An uncertain escape plan

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« Protecting me now are you? » William snickered as you walked over the bodies to the window to see how many agents would be here and where.

As you peeked through, three police cars were parked in front of the restaurant, about five men were entering by the front while three stayed behind.
They were quickly going to realize three of their friends were down and were gonna be here a second or another.

Well let them come, you can take them all.
No, no, triple nope. You took down the other three because you needed to, you didn't have any choice.


You took a breath, you had to find a way out and quick, time was running out.

You turned around only to see William searching through the bodies on the floor, taking a knife out of one of their pockets.

« Stop pickpocketing and get up, we need to get out of here. » you grunted as you made your way towards William.

"It's alright if they're already dead." William shrugged.

You ignored him and tried thinking.

What about Flo though?

You looked over towards him.
He was crouched over himself against a wall not daring to look up from his feet. Quiet sobs were echoing through the room.

You took a couple steps towards him to which he immediately lifted his head, his terrified eyes looking up into yours.

"Are.. are y-you going to do the same... to me?" He sniffled.

You froze in place.
...Did he really think you were capable of doing that?

"What...? Flo, im not... I'm not a monster." You said.
Even you didn't believe what you were saying.

"What are you going to do then?" He replied, wiping his nose onto his already wet sleeve.

"I'm.. not sure. But Flo you have to know that I will never hurt you, and I never meant for this to happen," you took a breath. "I tried to solve things I really tried but it's too late and now..."

"You have to run." Flo completed. "I understand y/n, but my role in this case cannot let you do that." He said through gritted teeth, he was crying again.

You stepped back. William had moved up behind you, playing with the knife he had just stolen from the bodies.

"I can take care of him if you can't." He said, looking down at Flo who let out a shriek in fear, trying to back up into the wall, maybe if he backed far enough he could phase through it.

"No. If you touch him you die as well." You snarled.

"Ouch, I could almost be jealous that you care about someone else than me that much." He smirked.

You pushed him away and started looking around the room for anything that could help you get away from here.

You had to concentrate.
You breathed in and out, calming yourself as paying attention to everything around you.

In the far distance you heard gentle footsteps. They were so light that you guessed they were near the entrance, in the room where the main stage was.
You closed your eyes and continued listening around until you finally heard dead leaves cracking outside.

Oh god, the ones from outside were way nearer than you expected.

You opened your eyes and analyzed the room.
There were two doors that were both blocked off with agents arriving both ways.
So either you had to kill again maybe with William's help this time or,
You had to find another way.

An idea struck you.

"Hey William !" You called as William appeared next to you, "you talked to me about a series of vents all around the restaurant, is there one in this room by any chance?" You asked, glad to see his eyes light up.

"Oh y/n you keep amazing me of course ! Right this way darling," he said as he bowed down, showing you to one of the two vending machines you had hid between earlier.

"Behind this one is a vent we blocked off around a month ago, luckily for you I know these vents by heart and I can show you the way outside, but we really should hurry though, it's about to be 12 am." He said as he pushed the vending machine aside.

You didn't how the time could possibly be important right now but you were quite impressed that he managed to push the machine aside so easily, it seemed way heavier in your head.

The vending machine revealed the vent hiding behind it.

"After you my lady." William grinned.

You took a step forward but you were stopped by someone grabbing your wrist.
You swirled around to see Flo.

William snarled as he pointed his knife to Flo's neck, a bead of blood dripping down.

"William don't." You warned him.

"Let go of her." He hissed.

"NO ! I CANT JUST LET YOU GO AWAY LIKE THAT!!" He blurted before mumbling, "you can't abandon me like that." He looked down at your wrist, tightening his grip.

A pool of sadness filled your heart, drowning it completely.

A loud band came from the door at the end of the room that led to the rest of the restaurant. Causing William to take his knife away from Flo's neck and Flo to jump back, letting go of your hand in the process.

"Just... go." Flo sobbed.

Fuck how could this all go so wrong?

You didn't have the time to feel any type of remorse.

"William get in the vent, you lead the way we have to get the fuck out of here."

He nodded and headed into the vent, waiting for you before going any further.

You entered and looked back towards the entrance of the vent, Flo leaned in.
"I'll close behind you." He mumbled.

"Thank you Flo, these past years with you have been the best ever, you were the best partner. I hope you will forgive me one day and I hope I'll see you again." You smiled.

"No. Don't come back. Next time I'll be stronger. I will take William and you down." He choked on his words. "Leave."

You couldn't find any other words.
Flo's words burned through your mind.
You had never felt this kind of pain, you didn't like it that's for sure.

You turned around as the vending machine was pushed back into place. Flo struggled much more than William did.

As couple seconds later the door from the room was burst in and you heard people rush in.
You went towards William and showed him to move forward.

He nodded and continued, you tried your best to ignore the yelling coming from the room you had just left.

That was of course,
Until you heard gunshots.

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now