A night of horror

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(Short chapter containing the tiniest bit of smut like maybe a sentence that's it. I'm working on re- writing a couple of the first chapters since they have a shit ton of mistakes so I have to leave you all with a quick short chapter today, hope y'all can forgive me <3 )

The next morning arrived smoothly, golden rays of sunlight filled up the room, lighting it up in a warm array of morning colors.

William was sprawled across your torso, making breathing very complicated.

You pushed him off but the bastard wouldn't move so you did what was necessary to make him budge.
The sound of your slap resonated across the room, only to make William look up, not that bothered by the fact that you slapped the living fuck out of him.

"Don't do that love, I may just start being a masochist too." He said in a half asleep voice.

"Just move and get changed before Flo gets here douchebag." You answered, still trying in vain to move the man crushing you.

"But you're so comfortableeeeee" he groaned.

"Buy yourself a body pillow I dunno." You grunted as you finally managed to make him let go of you.

"But body pillows don't kiss as well as you dooooo" he continued complaining as he started falling back asleep.

You had spent the night with him in quite a... romantic way, and now you were wondering if it hadn't been a mistake.

You threw his clothes onto his face, making sure to get his belt right in between his eyes where it would hurt most.

"oo— OW OKAY FINE" he barked getting up.

You were already dressed and ready to go.

"Damn you're fast." William said as he moved to the front of the bed towards you.

"Stop staring, we're at the diner in 10." You stated before leaving the room and a still very tired William behind you.


The car approached the diner and William hadn't stopped nagging you during the ride there.

"Hey on the bright side I've never seen you sleep as well as yesterday night" he said gleefully.

After what happened... nope. You didn't want to think about it.
But you've got to admit you did sleep very very wel— wait, back up there a second.

"Do you watch me when I sleep all the time??!" You bellowed, nearly swirling off the road.

"Woh calm down darling of course not.. well not when you lock your window at least." He snickered.

You had arrived at the diner and all you could do is ignore William and his ongoing talks. He had never talked this much before it was honestly kinda annoying, you felt like Ruby was possessing him.

You opened the door and a not so happy Ruby was inside.
A devastated and crying Ruby was inside, accompanied by Henry and surprisingly the two other kids that worked here. You had forgotten about them.

You looked at William who had shut up immediately when you entered, as if he suddenly remembered he was supposed to be the ominous always grumpy dude.

You both slowly approached the table Ruby and the others were on.

"He was killed.." Ruby sobbed into Henry's shoulder. "Assassinated like that... for no good reason..." she continued sobbing.


Williams hand fell on your shoulder that had tensed up with anger, you glanced at him. You could see in his gaze he was warning you to calm down which was logical BUT STILL THAT ABSOLUTE MOTHER F—

His eyes flickered.
It wasn't a warning anymore but an order.
Which you hated following by the way but you knew you had to.

Flo shortly arrived and he too tried his best comforting Ruby all while sending you a trillion "we need to talk" looks.

Talk about what?
What you had both spoken about on the balcony?
That you and William had fuc—

"Y/n it's about the papers you wrote yesterday night."

Oooooh yeah no that's logic.

"All your proof match's, if this all goes along to the plan I sent to the main co-op, Henry should be behind bars tonight and if anything goes wrong, you know what to do." He grinned, mimicking a knife slicing his own throat.

Fuck that.
No one was going to die tonight and especially not someone as innocent as Henry.

That was all the time you had left.

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now