A perfectly nice birthday party

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Hands grasped onto your shoulders, pushing them down.
You reacted fast.

You swiftly blocked them, grabbed the screwdriver in front of you and rotated fast, not giving your aggressor a second to react, in a second the screwdriver was at their neck, you were ready to strike—

"WOH CALM DOWN Y/N ITS ME" Flo shrieked, causing you to let go of the screwdriver and sink back into your seat in relief.

"God dammit Flo, don't scare me like that." You sighed.

"We'll first of all I did call your name out multiple times and second of all yeah okay fault's on me, I should have figured that scaring an assassin wasn't the greatest idea." He shrugged while laughing.

You had forgotten about the rabbit, you glanced towards the suit, only to find that the eyes disappeared.
You were sure you had seen them, it wasn't your eyes messing with you. There's a difference between just seeing something and actually feeling the presence of someone.
There was someone in that suit. Where did they go and how did they leave so quickly without you seeing them escape?

You were about to get up to check the suit when Henry entered the room in a rush.

"Oh y/n and Flo perfect ! I was looking for you, I need you for the next hour !" He exclaimed.

"Wait reallyyyyy? We just finished working on the stageeeee" Flo whined like a kid.

"Well in all honesty, I think I'm only going to need y/n for this, I'm not sure you're going to be able to help us Flo." Henry said, reassuring Flo but also grabbing his attention.

"Okay... what do you need y/n for?" Flo asked right as you were about to ask the question.

"William had to leave in a rush and there's a show in like 20 minutes." Henry started explaining.

Oh no.
Oh nononononono please no.

"And even though he said he'd be quick I don't think he'll be here in time to come on stage with me." He continued.

Don't say it.
Don't you dare say it Henry.

"So I need y/n to replace him in SpringBonnie." He finally said.

Okay well I'm dead.

You were sure you hid your horror pretty well but apparently not enough since Henry immediately said,
"Don't worry y/n, nothing can go wrong I'll be with you all along and anyways, you're pretty good with animatronics."

"And escaping death apparently." Flo added.

Your fist was really attracted to his face all a sudden.
Sadly Henry was there which meant no punching people.

"So are you in y/n?" Henry asked gently, looking at you with big puppy eyes.

Fuck no, fuck off, fuck this.

"Of course Henry, anything for the kids right?" You replied weakly.

Those kids will be the god damn death of me.

Flo wished you good luck staying alive to which you responded with a kick in his shin, getting a painful yelp out of him which filled you with delight, slightly forgetting the fact you were about to enter the thing that nearly killed like 2 times already which isnt a lot but it's strange it happened twice.
(Get the reference? ;P )

Flo exited the room before yelling,
"I'll be in the crowd watching you and cheering you on!!" He snickered.

Dumbass you're supposed to make sure I don't die not encourage me.

After he left, you turned to Henry, waiting for his directions but you were surprised to see him a little flustered.

"Umm... Henry are you alright?" You asked.

"Well, you see.. to avoid the risk of your clothes getting caught inside the springlocks you uhh... have to undress." He said before spinning around immediately, leaving you to change.

"Pfff don't worry Henry I won't stab you if it's for work, I'm gonna need your help getting in the suit anyways." You chuckled.

Henry nodded his head, waiting for when you'll call him for help.

You quickly got undressed and put the lower part of the suit on, completely covering your legs. You shivered as you felt each springlocks on your skin, cold pieces of metal slightly sliding against you, risking to let go at any moment.

"Okay Henry, need your help for the top part." You called.

Henry walked towards you, making sure his gaze was in your eyes and on the suit, nothing else.

Aww this man was adorable.

After you put the head on you felt surprisingly alright, as if you weren't in a walking coffin.

Henry quickly put his on, you could tell he was used to it. He placed the Fredbear head on top of his and signaled you to follow him.

"Remember, no talking, no taking the suit off in front of kids and ABSOLUTELY NO HUGGING THEM." He warned you.

"And what if the springlocks start loosening?" You asked regretting accepting this task by the second.

"Get off the stage and get back here discreetly to take the suit off, but as I said, I'll be with you to help no worries." Henry said, even though you couldn't see him clearly, you knew he had a wide grin on his face.

You headed out of the room, following Henry closely and trying not to move too much or doing any brusque movements, careful not to trigger any springlocks.

You arrived on the stage and the curtains parted.
A round of applause and cheers welcomed you both onto the stage. Kids were shouting, jumping left and right, screaming in happiness when you returned their waves.

You both continued your show for the next 20 minutes without any fuss or springlocks springing back into place.

After the show finished, you had to stay around the pizzeria, entertaining kids who seemed lonely or separated from the others.
You headed towards a group of kids that didn't look like they were having as much fun as the others, your arrival immediately lit up their faces.

« HEWWO BIG BUNNY MAN » yelled a young girl with two uneven buns on her head.

You simply waved at her, remembering what Henry told you about the whole no talking thing.

The kids were loud sure, but they were cute, you had fun with them to the point where you kinda understood why Henry and William did this.
You also completely lost track of where Henry had gone off to.

You were giving a ballon to a boy with glasses way too big for his face when you felt something quite heavy suddenly push on your side.

A kid had jumped to hug your leg with unbelievable force for a kid.



Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now