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You stood there for a while, trying to understand what the woman had just told you. You snapped out of it when you felt your earbud beeping, Morse code?!

« I need help » « urgent » « pizza »

Pizza? What the? Did he misclick? That's when it clicked.
He was in trouble at the diner.
You rushed to your table, leaving the two ladies troubled about the masked waiter.

« David ! Im really sorry but i have to go, I think Flo is really sick and needs me. » you said desperately.

He looked at you, worry filling his eyes.
« of course, hurry to go see him, it was a great night with you thank you y/n » he said smiling and blowing you a kiss.
It was a pretty good night but it could turn to disaster.
Flo could be in between the claws of the child murderer.

You changed in the restaurant bathroom in a second, wearing your cargo pants equipped with at least 5 knives and pepper spray, and put on a classic black top which would help you not be seen in the night light.
As you rushed out of the restaurant, you ran into an alleyway you knew would lead you directly to the pizzeria. You ran knowing he was behind you. The masked waiter from the restaurant. Perfect, you'll be able to ask him a couple questions later.

You arrived at the pizzeria in search of Flo, his car was empty and unlocked, inside was a mess. Someone had come in to get him.
You turned on the tracker on your phone, you both had one of each other since the day you met, the tracker lead to somewhere behind the pizzeria, without a doubt you headed there immediately but cautiously.

You creeped behind the building, you had not been here before you only saw the front of the diner, you imagined the back behind either more parking slots, trash dumpsters or something like that.
You were about to turn the corner when you heard shouting, you peaked around hiding behind what looked like some sort of huge dumpster, listening closing while trying to peak around the side to see what was happening.

Flo was on the floor quite bloodied up but still conscience, you pressed once your earbud to let him know you were here, he looked relieved. In front of him was a man quite tall but also quite strong looking. Anyways it wasn't going to be a problem for you, pulling a knife out of your back pocket, you whispered into your earbud,

« if anything gets too crazy, give me the permission » you said before opening your knife.
When you felt forced to kill, you always asked permission to Flo first, he studied law and knew it by heart, he would warn you if the person could be neutralized another way without passing by violence.

« You saw too much man, you know I can't let you go. » the dude in front of him said, pulling a knife out as well.

« Flo, permission asked » you said, ready to leap when you saw the man approach Flo, definitely not in a position to defend himself.

« Permission ACCORDED » Flo yelled.

In a split second the man in front of Flo was down, knife through the neck.

« Still a badass « flo said, struggling to get up, you immediately helped him, bringing some tissues to his nose.
Flo hated violence so he tried not to watch, but he was still your n. 1 fan no matter what. He reminded you of a child watching his favorite super hero kick some villains ass.

A voice came from behind you, how did you not notice someone else was there, in a split second your knife was at their neck too.

« Wow, you are a cold blooded killer, but no need to kill me darling, you can lower that knife I'm as harmless as a fly » William smirked.

« I could find you guilty as harassment and kill you right now » you replied unemotionally. The thought of stabbing him seeming more welcoming each second that passed.

« Woh calm down dear don't start looking like me now, get some emotions on your face » he said leaning in, your knife still pushed against his neck.

« I'm warning you y/n. Put the knife down » he threatened softly

« afraid to get stabbed? » you answered, you too could play his game.

Flo stepped in, « I dunno who wants to stab who cuz you both look very willing to stab each other but I hate to admit that you don't have the right to kill him, permission declined. » he said.

You frowned at him snapping out of your « let's stab people » phase only to realize how close you had pulled William near you. You immediately pushed him back with disgust.

« See? » he smirked « I prefer seeing emotions on your face than wanting me dead. Although I would prefer... another emotion on your face » smirking more than before, he was the one with the crazed smile now. You couldn't see if he wanted to stab you or...

« Can we get out of here? » Flo asked, pointing to his still bleeding nose and snapping you out of whatever the fuck your brain was gonna say next.

You cleaned your knife with a handkerchief.

« Sure, William go help him clean up, I've got this to clean up » you said, kicking the now very dead body behind you. « Flo, we'll talk about what happened later. »

« I can take care of a bloody nose y/n don't worry, you on the other hand, need help cleaning up a body, no matter how much you hate William. » Flo said already leaving you two to get back to the car.

The rat.

You were about to tell William to leave when you found him already picking the body up, careful not to let any blood spill more than it already had.

« You're a natural at taking care of bodies huh? Should I be worried?« you asked half joking before realizing he was on your top 3 suspect list for potential child murderer.

« Don't worry I'll kill you quick without suffering. » he smirked

« Not exactly on the reassuring side huh »

You got the body into a body bag, bringing it in the back of your car.

« How do you get rid of bodies? I imagine someone takes care of them for you » William said staring down at you, searching for an answer you were definitely not going to give him.

« hmm » he said, understanding that he was not gonna get an answer.

You saw Flo was asleep in the backseat and tried leaving William to drive Flo home, before two arms held you around him. It was his turn to hug you from the back. You thought it was kinda cute until he whispered,

« you're really sexy when you kill »

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now