A living ticking bomb

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The clock ticked loudly, resonating throughout the whole room, beating like a drum inside your ears and head.

You sprung up from your seat as a door opened.
William entered the room.

"Oh uhh, hey William, fancy seeing you here." You chuckled nervously as you sat up straight.

William stopped by the doorframe.
".... In my own office?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

You nodded your head as you closed your eyes and massaged your temples.

"May I ask y/n..." William said, his voice suddenly way closer than just by the door, you opened your eyes to indeed find William's face in front of yours. "What happens to be the matter darling?"

You stared into his eyes, no words coming out of your mouth.
He looked at you with a puzzled look.

"You... have to leave." You mumbled.

"What?" He asked

You didn't respond.



"What's happening y/n?" He asked, impatience could be heard in his tone.

Your hands were shaking. Your breath was anything but steady. Too much was going on.

"Guys Henry needs ya.... Wrong time?" Flo said, barging into the room.

You looked up, pleased to see him. He must've realized the look in your eyes since he rushed over to you immediately.

"Oh by the way y/n this is quite urgent, I'm having serious problems with my... sister. Yep my sister, she's arriving soon and I need your advice for these, girls things." He said, a determined look on his face, probably proud of his horrible lying skills.

You rose up, avoiding eye contact with William.
He on the other hand had his eyes locked onto you, you could feel his stare even as you left the room, following Flo out.

"Okay, what was that about?" Flo asked, training you to the back of the restaurant, in one of the lesser known party rooms.
It was completely empty, just as were the other rooms. You would find that suspicious but it was starting to be late, no families stayed here at this hour.

The clock's repetitive ticking kept reminding you how late it was actually becoming.

"Y/n?" Flo said, stopping in his tracks and turning towards you.

"I was stressed out about tonight and William was getting suspicious and I just couldn't handle—" you got cut off by Flo.

"Stressed? Since when have you been stressed by a mission?? And who cares about William? Tonight is about Henry right??" Flo's voice faded out.

Tick tick tick tick.
It kept ticking, echoing throughout your mind, louder and louder.

"Y/N?!" Flo shouted.

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" You bellowed before realizing you were yelling and most importantly to Flo.
"Just... why do you seem as upset as I am?" You asked, only now remarking how weird he was acting.

"Y/n, can you just answer my question?" Flo asked impatiently.

Tick tick tick

"Wha— what?" You asked, a million things passing through your minds, the flashy stage lights and that non stop ticking weren't helping.

"Why are you so preoccupied about William being aware about tonight y/n?" Flo asked, grabbing your shoulders and forcing you to concentrate on what he was saying and asking you.

Tick tick

"What do you mean? It's an official mission of course I'm preoccup—.." you stopped in your tracks, a sudden dread rising inside you. "why are you talking about William so much Flo?" You asked, escaping his grasp and slowly backing away.

Flo sighed and looked down at his feet,
He too was shaking.

"Why have you been hiding the truth from me since the beginning y/n, I swear I'm trying to understand, you're my closest and bestest friend ... I just don't understand." He said sadly looking up at you.


"Why did you hide the truth about William y/n?" Flo said, he looked up at you, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes.

You froze.

"Because she belongs to me." William whispered behind Flo, startling him "and you're not going to take her away, no matter what you plan on doing tonight."

William's appearance or Flo admitting to the fact he knew for a while now about William weren't what had your immediate attention.
A tiny red light was flashing in Flo's ear.
He had an earpiece.

"Y/n please, what are you going to do tonight." Flo said, getting as far away from William as he could.

You stared at him before looking around you, your intuition was warning you about something worse.
The window to your right confirmed your fear, even though they were faint, you saw the flashing lights.

The special forces were here.

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now