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« Ready to order? »

The waiter looked over your table, even without seeing his face, you could hear a hint of annoyance in his voice. You felt guilty, you were having fun talking to David, laughing and messing around, you had completely forgotten about ordering anything.

« Oh Um, yeah sure » you said embarrassed, grabbing a menu « I'll take the.. variety risotto? » you said, practically choosing the first thing you saw.

« Same here » David said with a smile, he looked really happy which made you forget about the whole waiter thing.

The waiter took both your orders before leaving, disappearing into what seemed to be the kitchen.
You were having fun sure, but you seriously needed some answers especially now that you didn't feel watched.

You both talked a little longer before turning the conversation towards the diner.

« I've always hated this job, I do it since it's quite easy but in all honesty... I never feel completely safe there . » David admitted sipping some more of his nearly empty wine glass, you offered a refill jumping immediately on the occasion to ask about the place.

« Wait really? It's a pizza place filled with kids, what is there not to love? » you asked innocently.

« Those... murders. Even if there hasn't been any in a while, something doesn't sit right with me about them. It really makes me question who to trust, apart from you and Flo of course, you arrived after this mess. » he said, with a comforting smile.

« Wait, you think someone from the pizzeria could be behind the murders? » you asked surprised, your acting talents showing off.
Instead of speaking, he slowly nodded his head, the waiter had come back, two plates in hand gently placing them in front of David and you.

You were so concentrated with what David was telling you that you had forgotten Flo was listening, waiting for an answer.
Flo was confused, he couldn't see only hear so he didn't know who David said he suspected.

« Y/n ask for dessert if he answered yes » Flo said.
Ooh clever.

« Could we order dessert right now? So that it'll already be here when we've finished? » you asked David.

« Pressed to leave so quickly? » David answered joking before reassuring you he was kidding. You heard the waiter chuckle slightly.

« No no not at all, I've got a sweet tooth that's all » you said, blush climbing to your cheeks, David noticed this.

« First time seeing you blush y/n » David said smiling.
You giggled before turning to the waiter, once again getting impatient.

« I'll have a slice of apple pie please » you said smiling.

« Of course you will » he answered before writing down what david was ordering.

You waited for him to leave before- wait what did he say? Of course you will? What the-

« Coming back to the whole murderer story, i think it can only be someone from the pizzeria, the way the children were lured into the ONLY room in the pizzeria without cameras, stuffed into animatronics... only someone working there would do this. » he answered, determined of what he was saying.

Flo and you had already come up with that conclusion the night you arrived, what really interested you was who he suspected, it didn't mean he wasn't a potential suspect messing with you though.

« I cant imagine Ruby killing anyone on purpose » you laughed briefly.

« Even if she actually tried to she wouldn't manage to » David laughed back, « no I suspect someone with higher ranks, owners for example" he said pausing before continuing, "co owners precisely." he added in a low voice.

You could hear Flo agree with him.
« William would be the perfect suspect indeed, he gets a little too well with everyone and somehow knows everything going on » you heard Flo say.

You both continued speculating who the mysterious murderer could be while finishing your plates, the risotto was really good and had a familiar taste, probably something from your childhood. The waiter arrived shortly after you both finished, 2 plates in hand, he handed you the apple pie who looked awfully similar too but, it was just apple pie, of course it was going to look familiar, you practically only ate this while growing up. You wouldn't be surprised if dna tests told you you were 1% apple pie with how much of it you ate.

But David looked surprised at his meal, you were too when you realized what the waiter had just served him.
« Im sorry but I think you may have gotten the wrong order, I ordered a cheesecake not a... is this a salad? » he asked looking up at you wondering if this was just a bad joke.

You looked back at him, as puzzled as he was.

The waiter simply looked at him.
« Oh what a shame, no refunds. » he said before turning and leaving back into the same corridor to the kitchens.

« What the fuck? » you both said.
« I thought this restaurant had good reception. » you said before getting up, "stay here I'll go find someone to get you your cheesecake." you smiled at him, he smiled back.

« Thanks y/n. » he said with that lovely look in his eyes.

You walked over to the counter you had arrived at, it wasn't the masked waiter but a young lady probably around your age who stood there, scribbling down notes.
« Excuse me? I would like to talk to your manager there seems to have been a misunderstanding in an order » you politely asked the woman.

She looked up at you suddenly, « oh of course, wait here please »
She disappeared quickly before reappearing, a large woman following her.
« Good evening, I'm the manager here, I heard there was an issue with one of the orders? May I ask what happened? » the Women said looking at you, worry in her eyes.
On cue, the masked waiter walked out of the kitchens and went to a table behind the women, was he... listening?

« Yes indeed, my... friend over there received a salad instead of his dessert, he's not very pleased with that. » you replied honestly.

« Oh my, I'm terribly sorry about that, do you happen to remember who this waiter was? »
The waiter started walking quickly towards the kitchen once more, scared to lose his job you guessed.
You pointed towards the masked man, when the woman stared at him, she turned to you, with such confusion on her face you wondered if she understood you correctly.
She finally said,

« Pardon me but, that man has never worked here. »

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα