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"What are you doing Flo." You quietly said, looking back around at him. "Who do you plan on arresting tonight?"

Flo was backed up completely against a wall to your far left, William hadn't moved from his spot, a couple feet in front of you.

"I should be the one asking you that y/n, please make the good decision." He said.
His cheeks were wet from tears which had strolled down his face moments before, you had never seen Flo this hurt before.

What on earth were you going to do—
A slight creek came from behind William, from a corner of the room which was barely lit up at all, which meant someone could be there and sight wasn't going to help you localize him.

There was a door near that corner that lead to the outdoors.
They were here for William.
And there was no chance you were gonna let them have him.

The constant ticking disappeared, and in its place was absolute silence.

You moved quickly and steadily, in a heartbeat you were near the corner, thankfully you could fit right in between two vending machines, the lack of lighting helped you blend in.

You peaked out to watch the others and to stop everything if anything escalated, let it be the special forces or, William himself.

You first looked over at the two men, William hadn't budged or seemed to notice your disappearance, well, he probably had but he wasn't searching for you.
He had complete trust in you.

Flo was as nervous as before and throwing looks all throughout the room. He knew how good you were in your job, disappearing like this was one of your specialties and was fatal for any enemy, this explained his looks filled with dread, trying his best to locate you. He wouldn't be able to, you both knew that.

You then looked towards the door to your left,
three figures stood there as still as an image.
They hadn't seen you, no one had.

These capacities of yours often led you to remarks.

~~ woooooo flashback ~~

You were laid down flat on the ground, grass was tickling your bare feet but you couldn't react, you couldn't move.

From the corner of your eye, a small bunch of flowers were packed together in an ocean of grass and leaves, you never were strong in recognizing plants but these ones smelt a particularly strong odor, jasmine.

It's white petals reflected the rays of sunlight, sending them directly onto the one you were hunting, onto the metal hairpiece stuck on top of their face, keeping the strands of hair away from their face as they tried concentrating.

You reacted quickly.

"OW OKAY Y/N YOU WIN LET GO OF ME." Mira yelled as you put your whole weight onto her arms, pinning them behind her back.

You released your hold on her but only before making sure she acknowledged your victory, you then helped her up, removing the pieces of grass that had stuck to her hair.

"How did you even see me?? I was on the other side of the field, you would need binoculars to see even a glimpse of me !!" She crowed.

You flickered her hairpiece with your index finger causing her to yelp in pain.

"Small tip, don't wear anything metallic in broad daylight, the reflection from the rays of sun will immediately reveal your position to anyone, close or far." You advised.

She turned her back to you,
"Still, you're 4 years younger than me, ME !! The best from our unite !!" She grumbled,
"You're not human."

~~ flashback finished, back to current time ~~

The figures had moved, they were quick.

"William Afton. Any movement from you not asked to be done by us could be fatal. So turn around and lift your hands up in the air. You will arrested for child murder and abduction." The man furthest right called out.

William had his back to them, he slightly turned his head so that only half his face could be seen and even though you were far away from them, you could clearly see his face.
William was smirking.

"I repeat for the last time Afton, turn around and give yourself in immediately without trouble." The man repeated.

You couldn't recognize the voice, did Flo warn them that you were with William? So that you couldn't recognize them nor their weaknesses? No, he wouldn't dare to. He cares about your friendship too much to do that.

William wasn't doing what the armed men asked him to.
The man in the middle was losing patience, he lifted his gun towards Williams chest, the slight clicking noise that escaped it warned you to act.

"That's it William. We have been warned to take you down if necessary."

These men were fast sure, they were probably some of the best agents sent even.
But you were on a whole different level.

"You're not human."

Your voice was quiet, yet it resonated everywhere inside the room.

"Flo, permission asked."

Flo let out a loud sob, shaking his head ferociously.
"I CANT... I CANT LET YOU.., PERMISSION DECLINED." He wailed out, tears once again flowing down his cheeks.
He didn't deserve any of this.

The agents probably didn't deserve what was awaiting them either.
But that wasn't going to stop you.
Nothing could anymore.

Williams smirk turned into a madman's smile when you jumped out from behind your hiding place, aiming directly at the three men in front of you.

Loud thumps resonated throughout the room as their three lifeless bodies hit the floor.

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now