Surprise invitation

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Avoiding hordes of children, Flo and you make your way to the counter.
You ordered a pepperoni slice while Flo ordered a bbq special with extra sauce and pepper slices.
You both ate the greasy but not terrible pizza in silence.

"hey y/n" flo said looking a bit embarrassed.

"yeah what?" You answered trying to not seem pissed off.

"Why um... are your clothes so... tight?" He asked looking at your top.

You thought that it was the normal size but quickly realized that flo and all the other workers had actual fitting clothes, and yours, well, outlined a little too well your figure.
The fucking pervert son of a bitch.

"Oh um, must've given me the wrong size" you said through gritted teeth.
You tried to change your thoughts from the images of you slicing your bosses throat.

"How's working with Henry?" You asked flo, calming down a bit.

"It's chill, I'm more advanced than him in programming but I decided to play it off since it would look strange if a new employee is an expert programmer capable of hacking into governmental files." He joked.

"Yeah true, don't want people knowing" you replied, picking at what was left of your pizza slice, you quickly grew thirsty and decided that ordering something to drink would be best.

As you were trying to get the teenager in front of you to understand what drink you wanted for the fifth time, Ruby joined you guys with a joyful look on her face.

"Hey guys ! Oh you must be the other new employee, Flo right?" She said

"Yep that's me, the one and only" Flo replied with his usual smugness.

You rolled your eyes and laughed it off.
Ruby stayed there for a second before suddenly realizing why she walked other to you in the first place.

" okay okay so, guys you cannot refuse this since I've been struggling to convince Henry for the past 20 minutes," she started before getting cut off by Henry who wasn't far away from you.


"Okay maybeee but who cares, I convinced him to celebrate you guys arriving here with a special welcoming party tomorrow night !!!" She squeaked, she reminded you of a mouse honestly.
Wait, did she say party? Oh god no.
Before you could even start refusing Flo spoke up.

"Oh my lord yes please we have been in the need of a party for so long now haven't we y/n?" He smirked, knowing you hated parties.

"Sure" you sighed.

"Yesss !!" She squealed
" don't worry about going there I'll pick you up after work and we'll all head there." She said pointing to us.

"Ok ok, sure but, where's "there"?" You asked her, did she have a house big enough for a party? Sure there wasn't going to be a lot of people but still, a party can become pretty, wild.
Which is why you hate them.

"Well... my place isn't big enough and Henry's is a mess right now, so once again through hard work I managed to convince William to let us use his place." She said while grinning.

"How the heck did you convince William???" Flo asked, as surprised as you were.

"It was actually easier than convincing Henry honestly, I just told him that you two were coming and he said yes, he must like you two I guess" she shrugged.

Flo looked over at you with a confused look that you returned.

"Is everyone coming?" you asked, looking at David who was busy getting a child off the main stage and away from an animatronics mouth.

Ruby must have followed your gaze since she immediately said,
"The twins aren't, big surprise but David's coming, only because you are" she said with a grin that you absolutely did not like.

"Ok well, anything particular that we should bring? Or wear I dunno" flo asked changing the subject.

"Well dress nice of course this is a party not a work meeting" she said giggling.

Dress nice? Apart from jeans and a lot of joggings you don't have a single nice looking thing in your closet.

Once again ruby must have noticed.
"Don't worry if you don't have anything nice, we'll drop off by my place before going there, I have the perfect thing for you y/n" she smirked.

Oh god, what did flo get you into.

"Oh and I almost forgot, William has a pool so, bring something nice to swim in" she said winking at you. ;)

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now