The calm before the storm

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After getting back to the apartment you went back to your room to work on some electronics you managed to sneak by William earlier.
A couple hours passed before you got interrupted by Flo knocking on your door,

"Hey y/n I made us food you want some?" He called from outside my door.

"Oh yeah sure come in !"
You hadn't realized how hungry you actually were, you became way more interested with animatronics then you thought you would ever become.
He entered with two plates full of lasagna, he didn't go easy on the portions, classic Flo.
He placed one on my desk beside me before pushing a chair next to you.

" wow what the heck did you make these?" He said between mouthfuls of lasagna.

"Yep, look at this one" You said while grabbing the doll you had been working on the hardest.

"She can dance, she can sing but most importantly she can translate Morse code. I thought that would be cool since I've always been too lazy to learn it by heart" you said remembering the hours of suffering you spent trying to learn it only to know how to say "I need help, urgent, now," and um "pizza". Flo taught you that one.

After you both finished eating and cleaning up, you decided to do a couple last touch ups to your creations.

"Hey y/n don't stay up too late you have a "job" let me remind you" flo said at my doorframe.

"Keeping kids alive yeah I know, for the time being I've seen more danger in what they put in the pizza than killers stabbing kids." You said yawning.

Flo laughed,

" you should head to bed but don't forget to get some clothes ready for tomorrow night !" He said while entering his room.

Fuck you had completely forgotten about the party.

Ruby said she was going to lend you some clothes but you were going to have to find a swimsuit by yourself.
You dug through your clothes in search of the only swimsuit you had, once you found it you went into the bathroom to get changed. You finished putting it on and looked into the mirror and oh god it was small.
It covered the bare minimum. There was no way you were going to wear this to a party with your co-workers, you decided to wear a large t shirt on top but you only had a white one.
Well maybe I'll just stay around the pool without actually entering you thought.
Anyways, your stomach wound was far from healed, there wasn't going to be a chance of you entering that pool.

You got changed into some pjs and hit the hay.

The next morning, you went to work with Flo as usual. During the car ride you can't help but ask flo what he was gonna wear to the party.

"Hehe I just got a gorgeous suit last month and this is the perfect opportunity to wear it" he smiled

And now the question I was fearing to ask.
"And what swimsuit did you choose?"
"You chose the one with the kittens on it didn't you?"
"Oh my god flo"
He was grinning ear to ear before letting out a laugh.

The day was very calm, there were barely any families in today. You took this opportunity to stay in the parts and service room to work on your dolls.
It was going to be closing hours soon when you heard the door of the room open, you turned around expecting to see William and politely telling him to fuck off but there was David with a tired look on his face.

"Wow what happened to you" you asked him as he pulled up chair before slouching on the table.
"While you got to play with your.. toys, I had to fight for my life against a kid I'm pretty sure had rabies" he said placing his head between his hands.

You couldn't help but laugh.
"May I know why my suffering makes you laugh so much?" He asked happy to see you laugh.

"you're a cool dude Dave" you answered getting back to your dolls, still smiling.

It wasn't long till the calm moment was ruined by Ruby barging into the room followed by William.

"There you two are !! Let's go ITS TIME TO PARTAY" she shouted bouncing up and down.

William on the other hand wasn't smiling.

Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now