The lost town

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You had always wanted to be special, to be different from the others.

They wanted to be astronauts, bakers, journalists and other jobs that you found absolutely no interest in.

"Do I have to pick one of these?" you remember asking your aunt, the only one willing to take care of you, your dad proved to you many times that he wasn't.

"You choose your own life buttercup" she answered, giving me one of those sweet smiles she always gave me when I asked her these type of questions.
And I did choose my life indeed.


You are a trained killer.
Raised to protect the citizens of America even if you must risk your own life, you have been on countless missions, had to assassinate who knows how many people to save the lives of thousands of others.

You woke up early to the same ringing of the alarm you had been hearing for the last 4 years now. Getting up, you turn your alarm off before heading to the bathroom, once finished getting cleaned up you enter your room in search of something to wear but instead you notice your phone on your desk going crazy with notifications.

"What the-? Who would be up this early to talk to me?" you asked yourself, picking your phone up.

Oh it's Flo.

Flo has been a good friend of yours and probably the only human you haven't wanted to gut.

You open up his message to see dozens of emojis and far too many exclamation points for your liking.
" HURRY UP BIRTHDAY GUUURL !!!!!!!🥳🥳🥳 Get your ass to work early we have a BIG surprise awaiting us!!!!"

Birthday...? Oh god I'm old.
You quickly got on some jeans and a dark top before heading to your car and off to work.


You parked your car and barely had the time to get out when you felt arms pull you into a rib-crushing hug.

"HAPPY FRICKIN BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!!!" Flo yelled, letting go of you but still bouncing up and down with excitement.

"come that close to me once more you're loosing a leg." You answered coldly but surprised he managed to remember your birthday once more.

"Come ooooooon, you're 22 now, can't you finally accept a hug without wanting to rip body parts off?" He said with a big grin.
You looked at him hoping he could read your thoughts telling him to go choke on a dick.

"Anywaaaays let's hurry up, you have to see what the meeting is about today!"he half shouted hurrying you to the entrance of the building.

"Wait that's the surprise? The meeting?" You said disappointed, you were kinda hoping for some barely ate this morning.

"Yes but chief said it was important !!" He said impatiently

"But we just got out from one less than a week ago" you continued complaining hoping it would make the meeting disappear.
Flo stopped in his tracks, turned around to meet your gaze. For once he actually had a serious look on his face.

"Y/n, stop being an ass and get YOUR ass into that building"

"Okay, okay calm down let's just go already".


When you arrived into the office meeting room you quickly and silently sat onto one of the many empty chairs laying around a table covered with stacks of paper neatly organized into piles.
Your chief was at the other side of the table, fiddling a pencil between his fingers, it took him a hot minute before realizing you were there.

"Ah, y/n! Happy to see you this early, you too mr. Evans." He said looking over at Flo.
Flo simply nodded his head.
You had never seen him this serious before, what kind of mission were we getting into?

"I am aware you have just gotten out of your last mission and that you aren't fully healed yet" he said looking straight at you.

You, on the other hand, were looking down at your lower stomach, even with your shirt on, you could feel the stinging pain of the wound you still had from your last mission.

"She was against at least 7 armed men, it's a miracle she's still alive." You heard Flo mumble loud enough for the chief to hear.

"Well yes, she is our miracle here but," he said, booting up the screen behind him to show us what you were going to face this time.
"This mission is going to be simpler," he continued
"A quiet town in Utah has been victim of many, many child disappearances which can lead us to believe one or multiple murderers are on the loose here. Your goal is going to be to stop them and if necessary, kill them."

You looked up at the chief.
"Seriously? A child killer? Since when did I get these types of missions?" You asked, a little pissed off at what you were being asked to do. You were expecting something to do with a cartel or some other exciting event as such.

"Since you are not in working condition to do any important ones y/n." The chief answered in a tired voice, but he was used to your attitude.

"Hey look on the bright side we'll be together!" Flo said turning suddenly on his chair almost falling off.
You had to admit at least you wouldn't be too lonely or bored.

"Okay, when do we arrive there?" You asked, knowing this mission wasn't important enough.


Killer's love, William afton x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now