After (Epilogue)

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10 days later

I step out of the shop with a pomegranate juice in my hand. No sugar, no milk. My favourite. The sun hits me in the face as I walk down the sidewalk. He pays for the juice, and joins me, walking by my side as the sunlight shines through my freshly washed hair. The sky is golden, and reflects my mood as I sip my juice and smile at him with puppy dog eyes.
I feel like a million dollars, so happy, so lucky that he's mine.


Hey guys, it's me, Rika
If you've made it this far, I'd like to thank you for giving my book a chance and reading it :)
What are your thoughts on my first book? Comment down on what you want to say! ❤️

Let me know if you want a sequel or a spin-off

With love,

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