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Zack is going home today. For a whole damn week! He'll be back by the end of December only.
Anyway, I'm going to focus on my life. Otherwise I'll miss him too much.

During our last anatomy class today, we were sitting next to each other (as usual) and our thighs were touching. My leg was under his, where it so rightfully belonged.

Since he was going home today, he brought me my favourite snickers bar and held my hand for a while. He said he wanted to tell my something at 3:15pm, just before we left. I said okay, thanks for arousing my curiosity and waited for the clock to hit 3:15pm.

He looked me in the eyes and said, "I just want to let you know that I'll wait for you till you're ready for something with me. No matter how long it takes. Because you're worth the wait". I was like "whaaaaaaaaaat?" Like whaaaaat. Oh my god. Seriously? He is going to wait for me?? Well isn't that an interesting turn of events. I was so shocked and amazed. I didn't even have a chance to voice my opinion, the bell rang and he said he had to leave because he was going home, so I told goodbye and left. In a haze.

He's leaving home today. He bought me a large snickers just cause he figured out it's my favourite :). Goddd he pampers me so much :))))
He said he'd wait for me in case he's ready before me. Ohmyyyygodddd. You know what this means? This means that he likes me as much as I like him. I can never know what he feels but his actions and his words say something atleast. I love this period of non dating but getting sparks everytime we touch. I swear I've never felt this with anyone. Today my leg was under his and every move he made gave me sparks. He had so much effect on me. And this huge ass hands ugh I just want to be enveloped by them.

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