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So I called his bluff. I've had a hunch for the past 3 days and it was eating me alive. So I thought, why not ask him myself? How did I find out, you ask? I just put two and two together.

I wondered why Ashley came up to me one day in class and said, "Have you told Zack that you have a boyfriend, yet?" I said, "No I haven't, why?" To which she just replied "Tell him soon", which was kind of weird you know, because Ashley never meddles in my private matters.

A few days back Zack told me he already knew I had a boyfriend way before I told him the truth. It turns out that Ashley had told him, which was weird too because Ashley never lets my secrets out too.

Zack had texted me first and although I hadn't been a great replier, it hadn't stopped him at all.

This could only mean one thing - Zack had had feelings for me.

So that night, I texted Zack.

Saph - Hey, so can I ask you something kinda inappropriate?
Zack - Sure
Saph - It's 12am, so if it's too inappropriate I'm blaming it on the time
Zack - Okay
Saph - Did you ever like me as more than a friend?

Typing. Typing. Typing. Oh cmon, type fast!

Zack -Uh
Zack -It's a big story
Saph - It's a yes or no question
Zack - Then the answer is yes

I think my heart just blew up some fireworks. Zack!!! Liked me!!! Oh wow!!! Out of all the girls in the world, Zack. Liked. Me.

All of a sudden I wished I was single.

Saph - Ahha! I knew it! See I'm so clever, I guessed it
Zack - Can I call you Saturday night and explain about it? There's a lot to say
Saph - Sure man
Zack - Good Night. Sleep Well.
Saph - Yeah you too

He went offline, and I was freaking out of this world. Even though I knew it was wrong to love someone else while I was supposed to love my boyfriend, I couldn't help having feelings for Zack. And him admitting that he likes (or liked) me back? That was unexpected as fuck. Puts a twist to this story, doesn't it?

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