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What followed the amazing new year day, was the most hectic week ever. We were completely focused on studying, writing model exams, lunch, nap, study, dinner, study, flirt (very minimally) and sleep.

In between our preparation and revision, we reminisced about the beautiful forehead kiss.

Zack had asked me very gently (and with his cute puppy eyes) for a cheek kiss as a new year gift. I really wanted to, but we never seemed to find the right time or the place.

Before every exam, we sat together outside the examination hall and revised before we went in. He held my hand if I was too stressed, and reassured me that I would do well.

We were not just partners, we were study partners.

He taught me some questions before the exams, and weirdly they seemed to find their way into my question paper.

He was intuitive and I was glad that he was my study partner.

Some days, I realised that I still hadn't recovered from my breakup, and I cried to him while regretting all the past mistakes I had made.
It drove me crazy, having to balance a past, the present and my studies, while worrying about the future.

One day, we were texting about New Year Day (yes we were obsessed) and he suddenly he texted:

I wanna tell you that
You're mine and I'm yours

I immediately sat up. Wow. Oh my god. I couldn't believe it. I loved that he felt that way, because I did too.

After a while, we were talking on the phone, when he suddenly asked me if I wanted to start dating. What the fuck. I was so not ready! I said "No, I'm not ready, and you know it", to which he said "Yeah, you're right, let's wait till our university exams are over".

Phew. Good decision.

At long last, our model exams came to an end. We reached our model practicals, out of which the last one was cancelled.

Zack and I really wanted to meet each other, have some private time together so we chose a last minute resort. Early in the morning, the day before I left back home for the study holidays, we met in a shady place.

As soon as he saw me he started talking, I couldn't control myself any longer. My arms snaked around his back, pulled him close and my head nested onto his collarbone. He immediately stopped talking and put his arms around my waist (oh wow) and pulled me even closer. We lived in each other's embrace for while, but given the chance, we would've stayed there for all eternity.

We pulled back and he took my face in his arms and kissed me on my forehead. Slowly he moved to my cheeks, and my neck. I kissed him back on his cheek, and my arms slid down on his back. I turned around and he hugged me from behind, while kissing my neck. I could've stood there, in his arms, forever.

Uh. Forehead kiss was beautiful. Other kisses, he gotta improve. And he will, cause I'd give him loads of experience. And the way he hugged me omg. It's to die for. His hand on my head, his other hand around my waist, my head on his chest his head in my neck. Best feeling ever. Now I smell like him. And I love it. 


After lunch, Zack was leaving and we wanted to meet one last time. I wrote him a letter (my first love letter ever, but I was careful not to use the word "love"). I waited for him in front of my hostel with Laura and he came, bearing gifts of butterscotch snickers (yes, my favourite).

I slipped the letter into his notebook and told him to read it when he's alone. We sat next to each other for a while, just taking in the afternoon and enjoying each other's company.

As we talked, his hand held mine which sent shock down my spine. His hand slowly moved to my thigh, which ignited the atmosphere with sparks. I loved and hated the effect he could have on me.

Suddenly, he looked around, took of his mask, and kissed me on my forehead. I gasped, cause we were in public! When had my Zack, turned into the guy who was ready to show me off in public? Wow. I was pretty sure his friend (who was waiting for him) saw it. We started laughing at the thought and I realised just how much he had edged his way into my life.

Finally, we had to leave, so I stood up and said "Bye bye, Zack" to which he replied "Bye, Saph".

I turned and started walking to my hostel, while he stood in his spot, watching me. I had almost entered the hostel when I heard him shout (and I mean, loudly) "Miss you" Oof. Did not expect that. I turned around and shouted back "I'll miss you too" and went into my hostel.

Man, was I gonna miss him.

One last time. It was beautiful. Everything we do is beautiful. He held my hand, put his hand on my thigh .. uhhhhh. He suddenly took of his mask and gave me a forehead kiss. Aww. He's soooo sweeeet. I'm kinda bad for his nature I think. He's so nice, he deserves someone as nice as him. I'm definitely not that nice. As I walked back to hostel he shouted "miss you" and my heart came alive. It was such an awesome gesture. I shouted back "miss you too". Dynamic loud ass couple lessgo.


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