The next day, we all trooped down to our last Anatomy class to get our records signed. We literally did nothing, we just sat and spent time with our friends.

I sat next to Harry and we were both completing our work while listening to songs.

I missed Zack like crazy, and when he texted me, I asked if we could listen to songs together. So we listened to our playlist together, him on the other side, me here, but connected by our music.

Wondrous love.

By afternoon, we realised that the next class was going to be as boring as this, so five of us decided to bunk afternoon class and head for the city.

We boarded the train after lunch, and just spent the time talking to each other and laughing about random stuff. Ah. College life.

Zack was so sweet, he texted me that he's not going to disturb me, because he knows I don't like to be disturbed while I'm out and he asked me to just send him a text when I reached the city safely. Aww.

Caring, yet non dominating. What a rare combination.

We reached around evening, my cousin Casey, picked me up from the station and took me to a concert. We sat in the concert for a while, and I got bored a little while later. I wandered out by myself and caught a ride to The Shopping Street. It felt so good to just walk the streets. I felt liberated after a very long time. I happily enjoyed my own company, as I walked down the stores, observing the shoppers running here and there.

I walked into a shirt shop for men and a shirt caught my eye immediately. I called Laura, my fashion consultant (yep) and sent her pictures of the shirts I liked. Obviously, I was buying a shirt for Zack. As a thank you for everything he had done for me, it's the least I could do back for him.
She chose a really good looking, kinda unusual olive green shirt. It's the one which caught my eye. I bought it and walked out, looking forward to the day I could see him wearing it.

After getting a haircut and dinner, Casey and I headed home. I texted Zack and sent him a picture of my haircut and he immediately liked it !! Hehe.

Validation from him felt good.

He was texting me in a very sad mood so I asked him what was wrong, it took him some time but he eventually owned up that he missed me a lot. I told him, if he missed me he could call me anytime and that he had that kind of rights with me.
He immediately cheered up and called me. We talked till I fell asleep. I'm pretty sure I muttered "I'm happy" before I hit the pillow.

I miss him so damn much. Already. I survived one whole fucking day without him. Ugh why do I have to like someone so much.


The next day I made Casey take me to a temple. I don't know why, but ever since I had joined medical college I had gotten this weird craze over temples. Anyway, our exams were coming so I wanted to go and pray for our gang, but mainly for me and my study partner, Zack.

After going to the temple, we went to The Shopping Street again and I tried on some sneakers. The whole shoe store was like a dream come true to a shoe lover like me. I tried on red shoes, golden sneakers and I really really liked them, but they weren't comfy enough.

So we left them, instead I bought three pairs of socks and Casey and I made our way to the theatre to watch the new Spider-man movie. We were joined by a bunch of my college seniors and we (obviously) screamed a lot during every actor's entrance. I loved the movie so much.

After the movie, we were invited by my college seniors and we joined them for some Chinese food.

After lunch, we went our own ways, Casey and I headed to The Shopping Street again for a round of shopping.

Around 7pm, I left from Casey's place and got on the metro to the local train station to catch the train back to college. Ashley and Laura said that they were waiting for me there.

It took me around 40 minutes to get to the station, by then they had left, without informing me.

Harry was waiting for me there and he told me that they left suddenly because they decided that they wouldn't get transport back to college at this time, and decided to crash at a friends place in the city itself.

Harry had spent a whole day in the city with his friends and had been waiting in the station to head back to college.
I knew he had wanted to ride the metro since it had been constructed and so I asked him if he wanted to join me on a metro ride around the city.

He agreed and I felt so happy to take him, because this was our first outing ever! We rode the metro till my stop, where I got down and I pretty much could see the excitement in his face. He rode the metro back to the station and took the train back to college from then.
I headed to Casey's place and explained my situation, for which she laughed and asked me to stay the night.

So I changed into my pjs and settled on the bed after dinner, and called Zack. I talked about my day, while he listened and he talked about his. It was pretty evident that we missed each other a lot, and couldn't wait to see each other.

He said he'd return back to college tomorrow and I couldn't wait to meet him again. As I talked to him, I fell asleep, happy that he was a huge part of my life, and satisfied that I had found him.

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