Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"So, no boyfriend this time?" Ryder asked Joshua, Ryder had a shit eating grin on his face. "No, he had a meeting that he had to go to." Joshua told them.

"That's a bummer. At least, you brought Clara with you." Robert told him. "Yeah, I figured she should meet you." Joshua said to them.

"She's adorable." Ryder murmured. He looked up at Joshua. "Did someone seriously just abandon her at your doorstep?" He asked. Joshua nodded.

"Yeah, she was just dropped there. I worked with social services to try and find her birth parents, but it was no luck." Joshua said.

"She's adorable. I'm glad that we decided to do this, Joshua." Robert told him. Joshua just shrugged. "I don't think that we've met enough times to know whether that is true or not." Joshua told them. They both nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess."

"So, how did Amy end up pregnant?" Joshua asked. He obviously knew how she got pregnant, he just wanted to know the story. Because he was Joshua and Joshua was nosy when he wanted to be. Ryder just shrugged. "She went out one night to a club and had sex with no condom and she wasn't on the pill. She was as drunk as hell." Robert told him. Joshua wasn't surprised. Amy was never really careful around men that she was with sexually.

"How is the moving in going?" Joshua asked. Both of the twins shrugged. "Alright, we're nearly unpacked. We just need to empty the last two boxes and then we're done after we put that stuff away." Ryder said.

"Where is the apartment?" Joshua asked. Ryder told him. It wasn't that far from Joshua's apartment. "You don't live that far from my apartment." Joshua murmured. This time they went to a café and Joshua ordered a sandwich. So, did Ryder and Robert. Clara was sitting there with a small grin on her face. She seemed happy to meet these people. Joshua kind of knew why, she had never really met anyone other than Annie, Marie, and Clay.

"Really? Does that mean I can come over whenever I want?" Ryder asked with his eyebrow raised. Joshua sat there frozen. Was he kidding? Joshua didn't know.

"Make sure that you call first." Joshua told them. The twins burst out laughing. "Of course, we'll call first." Robert told them.

"Did Amy have a boy or girl?" Joshua asked.

"She had one boy and one girl. They weren't twins, they are just close in age." Ryder explained.

"What are they like?" Joshua asked. Ryder just shrugged. He didn't know what to say. Those kids were spoilt rotten. They were.

"They are spoilt rotten; they get spoilt by you know who." Ryder replied. Joshua nodded. He knew that they were spoilt by them and he wasn't surprised. Not at all. "Do they know about Clara?" Robert asked. Joshua shook his head.

"No, they don't. I didn't want them to know, they would just say something like 'she shouldn't be raised with him'. I just know they would, they kicked me out." Joshua said them.

"So, they don't know about Clara?" Robert asked. Joshua shook his head. "No, they don't. Why are you asking?" Joshua asked them.

"They might've called our private investigator and asked what information he found." Robert admitted and he closed his eyes. He couldn't look Joshua in the eye. "Do they know?" Joshua asked them. Ryder and Robert both shook their heads immediately.

"No, he didn't reveal anything. Unless they find their own private investigator, they won't find out. Why don't you want them to find out?" Robert asked. Joshua just scoffed. "I already told you, I don't need them to know. I am not part of their life anymore and I don't want to be. They threw me out and I don't want to be part of their life. I don't want them to be part of mine." Joshua said to the twins.

The twins both frowned. "What if they reach out to you?" Ryder asked. Joshua scoffed again.

"I can't see them trying to reach out to me and if they do, I won't reach out to them." Joshua told them with a firm tone.

"Why don't you want to talk to them?" Robert asked. Joshua frowned at them. He had a furious look on his face. That didn't even explain the feeling of rage that he felt right now. "Seriously? I don't want to talk to them." Joshua spat out.

"Why would they want to talk to me?" Joshua then questioned. Ryder and Robert both shrugged.

"I don't know, they might want to talk to you."

"More like they want me to change my ways, they'll only want to talk to me because my boyfriend has money. That was always the thing for Dad, it was always the thing for both of them. And if they wanted to talk to me, why would they kick you out after you told them that they were wrong?" Joshua questioned.

Then they went silent.

"That is a good point." Robert mumbled.

"But, just keep your options open. What if Clara wants to know her grandparents?" Robert asked.

"She already has some, Clay's parents who are absolutely delightful." Joshua muttered.

"What are they like?" Robert asked. Joshua couldn't help but smile.

"His parents?" Joshua asked. Robert nodded. "Yeah." Ryder replied.

"They're really nice, they seem very posh and they are, but they are lovely people. I brought Clara with us and they absolutely doted on her." Joshua told them. Ryder and Robert had weird looks on their faces.

"Okay, what's with the weird look on your faces?" Joshua questioned. Ryder and Robert then looked at each-other. "Do you not think that Mom would want to know if she had a grandchild?" Ryder asked. Joshua arched an eyebrow.

"They kicked you out too, why do you care what they think? I certainly don't." Joshua asked them. The twins shrugged.

"I just think that she deserves to know." Robert mumbled.

"She'll only care if she belongs to me biologically, because she'll be delighted that I actually had sex with a girl, but I didn't. She was left on my doorstep and I adopted her. That's the only reason that she would care. She already has two grandchildren; I don't think one more is going to make a difference to her." Joshua told them.

"Okay, if that's what you think."

"It is."

"What if they approach you?" Ryder asked him. Joshua frowned. "Why would she approach me? Why would she even come to New York city?" Joshua asked. Ryder just shrugged. Joshua didn't understand why they were still being defensive of their parents even after they said that their parents were wrong.

"Maybe she wants to see you?" Robert suggested. Joshua frowned again. "Why would she want to see me? I don't see any reason why she would want to see me?" Joshua asked. Then Joshua realised something.

"Are you here to spy on me?" Joshua asked. The twins mouth's dropped open. They were in shock. "NO! We are not here to spy on you! They didn't exactly kick us out, but they said to leave for a while. If we changed our beliefs, we could come back." Ryder told him.

"We're not spying on you." Robert told him.

Joshua sighed.

"Fine, I guess you're not. We can set something up again soon, but I do have work to do. I'll contact you later."

"Hope to see you soon."

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