Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Joshua finally agreed to go to this charity ball with Clay. He didn't know why he did, but he did. Clay was a man who could persuade anyone. He was a sweet talker. He was very much a sweet talker.

Clay had taken Joshua for shopping again. Apparently, Joshua needed another suit. Joshua didn't see why he needed another suit when he already had one. But Clay said that it was charity ball and that Joshua needed a designer suit. So, Clay went out and bought Joshua a designer suit. And he dragged Joshua along with him. Joshua didn't want to go with him because he needed to try on more suits and Joshua didn't want to do that. But he ended up doing that.

Clay bought him a designer suit. Joshua didn't have a clue what he was going to do with a designer suit because he didn't really need one. Well, he didn't need one after this ball anyway. Unless, Clay decided to ask him to more events.

Joshua looked at himself in the mirror. He looked fairly good. Joshua felt proud to say that. Alex was going to pick him and Clay up. Clara was already at Marie's house because Clay had a team of designers to come and style Joshua up. So, Joshua was brought to some house. He presumed that it belonged to Clay. Maybe it was just one of the properties that he owned. He was a billionaire. He probably owned more than one house.

But this house was amazing. He was one of the bedrooms. It had a huge bed with a walk in, wardrobe. Joshua had never seen a walk in, wardrobe before. It was his first time. But seeing that one, he wanted one. The bedroom also had a bathroom with the bedroom. The door was off to the side.

The bathroom was also huge. The shower was huge and the was a huge bath as well. The bathroom had tiled walls that were placed with equal distance between each one. Joshua fixed his tie. Damn, he was nervous. He had never been to one of these things before. He had never been to a charity ball. But the good thing was that Henry was going to be there. Henry was also invited to this charity ball.

So, at least that he wasn't going to be alone there. Because Clay would probably be going to talk with businesspeople and Joshua didn't want to interfere with that. But then Henry would also be talking to people. So, Joshua had no idea who was going to keep him company. Or, Joshua didn't know who he was going to spend the evening with.

Then there was a knock on the door. The door opened and Clay's head popped in with a smile. "Hey, are you ready?" Clay asked. Joshua nodded.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Joshua muttered; Clay shook his head.

"You'll be fine. I'll be with you the entire night." Clay told him. Joshua looked at him confused. "Won't you have to talk to people?" Joshua asked him.

Clay nodded.

"I will but I won't leave you alone. I invited you. Not the other way around." Clay said.

Joshua nodded. "Well, one of my friends from college will be there. So, at least I'll know someone." Joshua told Clay.

"Do I know him?" Clay asked him with a questioning expression on his face. "His name is Henry Parker. He's a CEO." Joshua replied.

"You know Henry?"

"Yeah, he was my roommate in college." Joshua told Clay. Then Clay looked confused again. Like, he was a goat struck by lightning.

"Then why didn't he hire you at his company?" Clay asked him. Joshua was kind of expecting that. Joshua shrugged.
"That's a long story but I will tell you someday." Joshua told Clay. Clay seemed to be satisfied with that answer and he nodded.

"Let's go." Clay told him. Clay grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bedroom. He led him down a hall and pressed a button that activated the elevator. The doors opened a few minutes later.

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