Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"You ready for lunch?" Clay's voice interrupted Joshua when he was working on his computer. "Lunch?" Joshua asked with his eyebrow raised. Clay rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Of course, lunch. What else would we be going to?" Clay asked with a 'duh' tone to his voice. Joshua nodded. "Fine, let me just get my jacket." Joshua told him. Clay nodded and Joshua picked up his jacket that was sitting on the back of his chair. "Let's go." Joshua told Clay as he wrapped his jacket around his shoulders. He buttoned the jacket up and started following Clay over to the elevator.

Clay pressed the button for the elevator, and it arrived immediately. There was no one else in the elevator. They stepped into the elevator and Clay pressed the button for the ground floor. "So, did you talk to Alex?" Joshua couldn't help but ask Clay. Clay nodded. Joshua turned around to face Clay like the speed of lightning.

"Well? What did he say?" Joshua asked him. Clay sighed. "He just said that someone who he's thought that he would be with for a long time broke up with him and that he's sorry for acting weird." Clay replied.

"So, he didn't tell you who?" Joshua asked Clay. Clay shook his head. "No, he didn't tell me who and I didn't want to push. I already feel bad enough for making him tell me what was going on with him in the first place. But he said that he had to tell someone and it's not good to keep these things bottle up. I offered him time off if he needed it but he said that he needed a distraction."

Joshua sighed.

"I hope that he knows he can talk to either of us." Joshua told Clay. Clay nodded and looked to the wall of the elevator. "He does but he's stubborn." Clay chuckled. Joshua laughed as well.

The elevator doors opened a few minutes later, they both stepped out. Clay was walking up ahead, and Joshua was walking behind him. Clay walked fast. "Damn, you walk fast." Joshua muttered and Clay managed to hear him, and he cracked a smile. He stopped and waited for Joshua to catch up. "Sorry, Alex is just waiting outside, and I don't want him to be waiting." Clay said to Joshua.

Joshua smiled at Clay. "It's fine and I understand but I'm not used to going to gym like you are." Joshua told Clay. Clay grinned.

"How do you know that I go to the gym?" Clay asked. Joshua looked at him with a deadpan look on his face. "Seriously? You just speed walked in front of me." Joshua told Clay and they both walked out of the office building. They hopped into the car that was parked at the curb.

Clay opened the door for the backseat and gestured for Joshua to get in first. Joshua hopped in and smiled at Alex who was sitting in the driver's seat. "Where are we going for lunch?" Joshua asked Clay.

Clay smiled at him.

"A cute little café that is around the corner. I'd say that you'd like it." Clay told him. Joshua nodded. Alex started driving and he drove out onto the streets. He made a left turn after the first round of traffic lights.

"Do you want to eat lunch with us, Alex?" Clay asked him. Alex shook his head. "No, I'm meeting someone for lunch. But just let me know when you're finished, and I'll come and get you." Alex told Clay.

"Don't worry, take your time. We can always fine, another way back." Clay told him. All Alex said was. "I'll probably be here but I'll let you know." Alex told them. Clay nodded. They arrived at the café not to long later. Clay and Joshua both stepped out of the car. Clay was holding Joshua's hand. Clay opened the door to the café and stepped inside. Clay waved to someone who was standing behind the counter. The man smiled at Clay and Clay smiled back.

Clay led Joshua to the back of the café and sat at a table in the corner of the room. Clay pulled out the chair for Joshua to sit in and he sat down right away. There were two menus' already on the table and Joshua picked one up. He started flicking through the pages and looking through the items on the menu.

Clay then sat down in front of him and did the same. "Thank you." Joshua told Clay. Clay looked up in surprise, he furrowed his brow. "For what?"

"For pulling out my chair." Joshua replied with a smile. Clay grinned back. "You're welcome but it is a gentleman thing to do." Clay told him.

"Hey, Clay." The man that waved at him earlier came over to their table. "Hey, Thomas." Clay greeted him. Clay gestured at Joshua.

"This is Joshua. Joshua, this is Thomas Scott. He owns this place. Joshua is my boyfriend." Clay introduced Clay and Thomas.

Thomas showed a huge grin on his face. Which Joshua couldn't help but return. "Hey, I'm Joshua." Joshua greeted him with a handheld out for Thomas to shake. Which Thomas did shake.

"This guy finally got a boyfriend." Thomas told them. They both grinned. "He didn't exactly make it easy for me. When I asked him out first, he said and I quote 'Look, I am not your type. I'm not rich which you obviously are. I don't need to be pitied by some rich man and I don't have the time to date. Here is your change. Thank you and goodbye.'" Clay told Thomas and he looked at Joshua.

"Seriously?" Thomas asked. Joshua blushed and he nodded.

"Yeah, I did."

"Wow. I don't think that anyone's ever said that to Clay before. Usually everyone just wants to jump into bed with him." Thomas told Joshua.

"Oh, I know." Joshua replied.

"So, Clay do you want your usual?" Thomas asked, taking out his small notepad that he wrote down orders on. Clay nodded. "Joshua, what do you want?" Thomas asked.

"I think that I'll go for the BLT." Joshua told Thomas. Thomas grinned at him. "Everyone loves the BLT." Thomas said.

"Anything to drink?" Thomas asked. They both gave their drink order and Thomas told them their orders would be out soon. "So, how do you know Thomas?" Joshua asked Clay. Clay smiled at Joshua.

"I started coming here a couple of years ago and he's my best friend other than Carl of course. He's very open- minded and he's very chatty. He has trouble to stop talking." Clay replied. Joshua laughed. "I gathered that." Joshua murmured.

"But he is quite easy to like. He is a likeable person." Clay muttered. "Is he gay?" Joshua asked. Clay just nodded. "He is. He is single though and he has been for a while. I think that someone broke his heart, but he won't tell me who." Clay told Joshua. Joshua frowned. That just made him curious to who it was.

"Who do you think that it is?" Joshua asked. Clay shrugged. "I have no idea who it could be. He never told me or gave me any hints. But whoever it is better regret it because if I ever find out who it was, I'd be coming for them. Thomas doesn't deserve to be hurt like that." Clay said. Joshua nodded in agreement. Even though, he had only met Thomas. You could tell that he had a kind heart and he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Their food came out a few minutes later. "I hope that you enjoy." Thomas told them and then left the table.

"Thank you." The both Thomas and they started eating. Damn, it was delicious. "This is really good." Joshua moaned as he bit into the sandwich.

"Yeah, I know. The food is good here. I don't know much about Thomas' background. He doesn't like to talk about it, but his food is delicious." Clay told Joshua.

Joshua nodded and just enjoyed the rest of sandwich until it was time to go back to work. They walked out of the café after they paid for their meal. The SUV was sitting outside at the curb. Alex was sitting in front seat with a frown on his face.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Alex nodded.

"I'm fine." He replied.

But Joshua and Clay both knew that he wasn't. Neither of them knew that there was a box of old stuff that Alex thought he'd never get back.

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