51. Leaps And Bounds

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Jungkook groaned.


Jungkook groaned and swerved to the other side of the bed.


Jungkook threw hands.

"I am hungry, baby," Jimin pouted, feigning pity so that Jungkook would wake up.

Sighing to douse his anger, Jungkook opened his eyes to see Jimin right across his face. "It's Sunday, Hyung. The places don't open until noon."

"That's why I am in charge of everything around here," Jimin grabbed Jungkook's cheeks between his palms and squished them. "I have already found the perfect place for our brunch date. We are watching the afternoon show of Multiverse of Madness and then I am taking you shopping in the evening. We can have dinner outside or I can cook for us tonight."

"Are you trying to manipulate me into having sex?" Jungkook grinned with sleepy eyes, playing with Jimin's collar button of the nightwear.

"No, we aren't doing that," the older pulled away quickly, letting Jungkook sit on the bed and stretch his arms.

"Come shower."

"Together?" Jungkook was on his feet in the next moment.

"Go shower." Jimin pointed, making Jungkook stomp away while puffing his cheeks.

Jungkook has brought the subject so many times in the past six months they have started sharing a dorm together. It was hard for the two to control urges when they were sharing a bed, but so far, the older one was able to bring some discipline into their lives. Instead of leaving his bag anywhere, Jungkook now responsibly put it in the cabinet. The clothes weren't on the bedroom floor but in the laundry basket. Jungkook argued that he was eighteen now and that they should try some new things in the relationship, but Jimin had something else in mind.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, with all his hormones, he did. It was just the thought of anything happening that could separate him from Jungkook. He didn't want the boy to think that he used him. Jimin knew that he couldn't control everything.


"What is it?" Jimin asked from the kitchenette.

"Towels. I forgot towels."

"They are right behind you!"

"Found them!"

Jimin chuckled, shaking his head. As he proposed in the high school once to adopt the teen, he didn't say directly, but he derived pleasure in the fact that he was now taking care of him. It looked to him sort of adoption.

"Hyung!" Jungkook poked his drenched head from the bathroom, making Jimin look at him with questioning eyes. "Can you take me drinking tonight?"

Jimin's lips disappeared as he bit them in thought. "What do you want to drink? I was thinking to eat in a fine-dining place, but I am okay if you want to go clubbing."

"No," Jungkook shook his head, wanting to walk out naked, but he knew that Jimin would scold him if he did. He created boundaries they both had to follow. He wrapped the towel around his nether region and walked out. "I don't want to drink in the crowd. What you decided is fine. Do they sell beer?"

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's wrist and walked him to the bed, making him sit and then picking up the hairdryer after plugging it in the socket. His soft fingers and the warm air made Jungkook wrap himself around Jimin's torso. He closed his eyes, stuffing his face into the man's abs. Jimin heard the gruntled voices and he pulled Jungkook's face back by tugging at his hair softly while turning off the whirring sound of the blowdryer.

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