25. I'll Teach You To Drive...Me Insane

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Everyone was rushing out, some were happy, and some, not so much. The semester break started and Jimin was restless. He hated to admit it but going three weeks without seeing Jungkook was a challenge he wasn't willing to accept.

But he had to be positive about it, especially when the next semester was shorter and the finals were approaching soon. He needed to utilize the holidays to study and only study after the facade of the whole I am gay thing on the school Facebook group. He regretted opening his Facebook on Jungkook's phone earlier. The whole thing blew up and reached the ears of teachers and he had to convince them that his account was hacked without bringing Jungkook's name anywhere.

"Hey, Hyung," Jungkook slowly made his way towards Jimin's desk who was silent and deep in thoughts. "What are your plans for the holidays?"

"Studying mostly. You?" Jimin looked at the boy.

"Me too, I guess."

They both nodded and looked away, unable to find any more words.

"Okay, then. I will get going." Jimin saw more than half empty class as Jungkook picked his bag and was about to leave when he called him.

"Yeah?" The boy turned around to smile at Jimin.

"You can come to my place to study. It will be more...productive, I think."

Jungkook's smile drilled down a bit. "My dad is traveling and mom will be busy at work, I don't have a ride." He said with a pout.

Jimin chuckled unbelievably at the boy. "Don't worry, I shall be picking you up," Jungkook waited so Jimin would join. "In fact, I will teach you to drive."

"But Hyung..." Jungkook's eyes widened. "I m only 16."


Jungkook knew Jimin never really followed rules. He wasn't the age to drive yet, but once Jimin had decided on something, he'd do it anyway. Learning to drive was an exciting idea regardless.

"Where are we going to learn?"

"Fields, of course. I can't risk you murdering people on the road." Jimin answered and Jungkook flashed a boyish grin to him before the older boy turned to look at Hoseok in a questioning manner on what was taking so long.

"Jimin-ah, you go first. I have to discuss something on choreography, I will take the bus."

"Really? Which part? I can help you." Jimin rubbed his nose with curved brows.

"Nope, I will manage one day without you," Hoseok walked over to the classroom door before dangling his backpack over his shoulder and walking in the opposite direction. "Go now."

Jimin shrugged and started walking towards the exit. "I am going near your house for some work. If you want, I can drop you." Jimin offered, looking at their shoes as they kept trudging across the hallway.


"Okay?" Jimin now looked over Jungkook and the beautiful red over his even beautiful face. "I thought you'd make me work for it, you know, being a high maintenance kid and all."

"I am high maintenance?" Jungkook reprimanded, eyes widening in defense as Jimin nodded. "Totally not."

"Says the one who sleeps with four pillows."

"Just because your bed has one pillow doesn't mean we all have to sleep the same way. Four pillows isn't a big deal."

"First of all, no. Nobody sleeps with four pillows. And secondly, my whole family can sleep with the number of pillows you use alone, so you are high maintenance."

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