20. Strictly No Drinks

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It was halftime and Jungkook knew Jimin was too pissed at Do-Jin and Jaein to hold back his punches, so he ran after him just as the older boy followed the two classmates. Before Jungkook could hold Jimin, he pulled Do-Jin's collar and hauled him over. "No matter what happens, you will not speak," he instructed, unsure that Do-Jin or Jaein would obey, but he didn't come here to lose, even if it meant he had to fight.

"If I know the answer, I will speak." Do-Jin shrugged Jimin's hand away and Jungkook held Jimin's palm. The older felt a slight tingle underneath his skin and his anger dissipated like a whiff of vapor in cold air.

"I highly doubt the probability of that. I can guarantee you that you can't get a single answer right." Jimin said calmly and looked at Jungkook who slowly pulled his hand back.

Jimin wanted to grab the soft palm again, but he didn't. "Let's go back, Hyung." The younger was panicking a little and Jimin sensed the urgency in his edgy movements.

Stopping the boy by holding him by his forearm, Jimin looked with concern in his eyes. "Why are you scared?"

"I don't want to lose," Jungkook's eyes brimmed and Jimin's hand itched to cup his face or either peck his head and comfort him.

"It's all good, Jungkook..." The older boy stepped back a little. "It's just a competition even if we lose. But we aren't going to lose tonight." Jimin assured with confidence.

Because of Jaein and Do-Jin pressing buzzers and giving incorrect answers, they were lagging forty points in the last round of the quiz. "But what if they don't stop pressing buzzers," Jungkook asked, feeling dejected that all their hard work would be down the rabbit hole if the two other boys didn't stop messing around.

"You press the buzzer first," Jimin countered and Jungkook looked at him. "Come with me..." The older dragged the boy to find Taemin and Utkarsha.

"What did they say?" Taemin worriedly asked.

"We aren't going to rely on those fuckers. Whoever presses the buzzer has to answer, so if it's a math question, Jungkook or I will press the buzzer immediately, they give us ten seconds to think after the buzzer is pressed." Jimin suggested and they all nodded reluctantly. Ten seconds was way too little to think, and specially under pressure.

"We can do it, we are the experts... Utkarsha, you have to only focus on Biology questions." Jimin encouraged her to boost her confidence.

"Yeah," the girl nodded sightly. "I can do it, we can do it."


"Out to celebrate the win?" Jaein looked at the big trophy kept on the dressing table and Jungkook, who was changing into a silver jacket above a black shimmering blouse and black tights.

The boy only vaguely smiled at the two. "Don't worry about us, we won't say anything to Ms. Cha." Do-Jin chuckled and the little threat paled Jungkook's face.

"D-Do you want to join?" He asked grudgingly.

"We don't want to spoil Jimin's time. He doesn't like us. I think you should go." Do-Jin smirked, feeling happy that he inculcated fear of getting caught in Jungkook's heart.

The boy rushed to Jimin's room door and before he could knock, the older walked out in blue denim jeans, heeled boots, white shirt underneath the blue denim jacket. Jungkook took a second to marvel at the older but the second turned to many seconds.

"Shall we?" Jimin offered his hand to the younger in anticipation. Jungkook's mind fiddled with many thoughts as his hand gently tucked into the older's. They began to slowly walk towards Utkarsha's room and as the girl came out, Jungkook realized that he was holding Jimin's hand. Wanting to squeeze it away, he pulled back to only be restrained by Jimin who didn't let go.

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