48. Just A Matter Of One Exam

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Jimin looked at an empty seat behind him in the exam hall and hardly a few minutes were left from the initiation of the exam. "Where are you, Jungkook? Come on! It's the last exam." He mumbled. Something about it wasn't feeling right. He also didn't see Mr. Jeon's car outside the school this morning while he was parking his own.

Jungkook didn't want to sit in the school for more than the required period, so he sat in his father's car until it was almost time for the exam. Only then, he would barge into the class and write the exam. Without talking to anyone, he would leave as soon as he would submit the paper, but today, the car wasn't there, to begin with.

Jimin thought for a moment, and then in the next minute, he was running away from the classroom.


Mr. Jeon looked at Jimin in perplexion, his heart suddenly coming to his throat, recollecting what had happened the last time the teen showed up here in urgency. "Where is Jungkook? The exam will start in fifteen minutes."

"What?" Mr. Jeon stood up from his place. "He told me it's tomorrow."

"He either lied on purpose or he really is confused. We have to find him," Jimin panicked, rubbing his fingers over his nostrils, trying to see if they still worked, or if he could still breathe. 

When Mrs. Jeon came out all dressed up for work, she saw Mr. Jeon rushing towards the car. She couldn't spot Jimin, so she only yelled. "YOU ARE LEAVING ME?!"

Mr. Jeon signed something, that she perceived as a mocking and grumbled more, stomping her foot on the ground and simultaneously calling the driver to drop her at the office. 


"He is not here," Mr. Jeon looked at the playground Jungkook often went to with Bambam and Taehyung. His two friends didn't know anything about the teen either.

Jimin was in his own car. Turning around, he glanced at the time and five minutes had passed, remaining only ten in his hand to find Jungkook and take him to the exam hall. "What about the house? Are you sure he wasn't there?" Jimin asked Mr. Jeon by rolling the glass of his car's window. 

"I saw him getting out. He was carrying a backpack," Mr. Jeon mumbled. 

"What kind of backpack?" Jimin asked, trying to remember if he'd seen any special backpack with Jungkook.  

"I don't know. He has a matching jersey of it too."

It clicked Jimin. "Please call Mr. Bang and request him to delay the exam by thirty minutes," he gushed out and turned the car around. 

"Wait!" Mr. Jeon wanted to ask or follow Jimin, but he knew that someone had to call Mr. Bang. He immediately dialed the principal's number.

Meanwhile, Jimin floored it to reach the basketball stadium where he'd once brought Jungkook. The place allowed under eighteen and one could easily spend three to fours inside without any hassle. It would be a perfect place to hide, Jimin knew. The matching jersey and backpack only clued towards the game. He only hoped Jungkook was there because if he wasn't, he didn't know if he could also write his exam. 

Parking the car, he immediately bought the ticket for the match to get inside. Since it was morning and a weekday, many seats were empty inside, otherwise, the ticket counter would be closed prior to half an hour from the game outset. Wheezing and running frantically while looking around to find a familiar and beautiful boy, Jimin's eyes eventually spotted Jungkook sitting in the corner seat with his cap hiding his face while he carried a box of popcorn in both his hands. 

Jimin's feet picked speed as he muttered occasional apologies to people for disturbing them while climbing in between the rows to reach Jungkook. 

The younger teen was immersed in eating his popcorn when he heard and felt someone's breath on the side of his face. Quickly, his head whipped up and his eyes widened as he looked at his ex-boyfriend sitting on the adjacent chair. "Jimin Hyung... What are you doing here?"

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