🌱| Bugum Rush

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Shenelle POV

"Ugh these pesky village flies, they're so persistent", screaming out of exhaustion, I sway my palms in an effort to drive them away.

"Hihihi, maybe they're coming at you for stealing the heart of their crowned prince," Teeya says sarcastically stealing a glance at me.

"Herh, Nyini!", I mimicked in mock anger.

We both laugh and she dragged a huge basin full of fresh twigs with leaves for soup.

"Let's get down to business"

"Huh?", I gave her genuinely surprised look

""All this? Is the soup for hundred men and their families?"

"Oh? this? Ha!, It's not even enough. You see when you cook the leaves they dissolve into a liquid kinda thing, it's more of like chewing cotton candy! Looks big once you place it in your mouth, when you're done eating it reduces to the size of a peanut!"

"Tsw, I puffed Rolling my eyes Teeya's explanation. I just didn't believe what she was saying, the leaves were really plenty. How'd cooking ever reduce such an outrageous mass

"Now, pick out the leaves from the twigs one by one leaving the hard stalk behind. Don't throw the leaves away or else your share of the soup will reduce as you've thrown part away."

Yes ma, i replied sarcastically.

The next hour was a battle fought.

It was a "sack a fly–Pick a leaf" combination.

I'm sure I'd have raised my hands in surrender, if not for Teeya's tales. The girl had so many stories to tell. It was just hilarious.

In the course of being a Dagomba housewife, a visitor walked in, greeting us in the native language. Palace guard I suppose.

Teeya engaged him in a conversation while as usual I sat still lost in the Dagbani spoken.

The guy handed a parcel to Teeya, gasping for breath she exclaimed, squealing as loud as ever

"Zori (friend), this is for you"

"Huh," I dumbly replied. C'mon I was in genuine shock as I didn't expect to receive a parcel. I grabbed it and slowly but surely I unwrapped the Content.

You would believe but it was an expensive, hand woven, beautiful Northern fuugu material. It had intricate patterns and designs which could not go unnoticed. The material was very heavy and you could tell that this wasn't a regular piece. Further probe, revealed beads of different kinds, also with their own unique designs and patterns, something I'd never ready seen before.

OMG, I hear Teeya squeal even louder.

"This is beautiful, let me see",She took it as thought it was gold and gave it a thorough look.

"Naa maa bingmaa(The Chief's matching cloth)....

This made me remember Tee, could he have sent this. After watching our reactions the palace guard took leave.

"Look Shenelle, a note!!!"

Taking the note out excitedly,

It read:

Hey love,

Please make me the happiest heir

and slay in this...

Be my Bugum Ride!

~T. A. D

Reading the initials of the name made me chuckle lightly and I became red with blushes.

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