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"Good morning."

My lover is disoriented at first, rubbing his eyes for a second before looking at me. "Hrmm... Mornin'."

"How'd you sleep?" I try to sound calm and collected so he can take his time waking up. In reality, my heart is pounding, and I have to hold myself back from taking him in my arms and crushing him.

"Pretty good." He raises his arms above his head and stretches. "What about you?"

"Not very long," I tell him honestly, "but it wasn't bad." It was amazing, actually. I always end up resting well when I do it in his arms.

"Is that why I felt somebody staring at me?" He chuckles as he puts a hand on my hip.

"You realized?" Though it gets me a bit shy, I manage to keep my face from turning pink. He's right. I've just laid here and looked at him sleep for an hour. "Did you mind?"

He pulls me against him. "Not really. But I'm kind of cold now."

I smile, putting an arm over his waist. I'd love to stay like this forever, and I don't want to let him go, but... "Sorry, Iwa-chan. I'm really hungry..."

"Of course you are." He softly flicks my forehead. "Stupidkawa."

"Well, it's not like you have anything nutritious here, either!" I pout. "You can't even feed me right now, can you?"

This shuts his smart ass up about my eating habits. "I can order you something...?"

"But that'll take so loooong," I whine. "You should really learn how to buy groceries... I'm surprised you're not as thin as me."

"I'll learn how to cook for you if you do the groceries?" he proposes.

I gasp. "That sounded like an invite for me to live here? Was it? That's so smooth, Iwa-chan!" I say jokingly.

His face turns a light shade of pink. "Uh... Well, I... I was just thinking, you'll come over a lot, right...?"

"I'd like that." His innocence makes me giggle. "I mean, Sei-chan will probably stay with Hiro-chan from now on, so I'll be lonely."

This makes him frown a bit. "And what if he doesn't?"

A grin appears on my face. "Then you'll have to fight over me~"

With a conflicted expression, he pats my head. "Idiot. It's up to you to decide. I know I can't just replace him or catch up to him."

My smile disappears. Now I'm the one frowning. "You're the idiot! Why are you trying to rival him?"

"You love him, don't you?" His eyes don't show fear, or anger, or sadness, but there's something hidden in them that makes me a bit umcomfortable anyways. "I know it's not the same. You told me that already. But if you had to choose between me and him, even if it was just for something that small, I believe I can't win."

His words annoy me endlessly. I kind of want to get mad and yell some sense into him, but I stop myself in time. Calm down, Tooru. You said you would talk things out from now on, right? Let's be reasonable.

I take a deep breath. I can kind of see where he's coming from. Issei and I have been inseperable for four years, and I hold him dear. Of course there's no way for Iwa to catch up to everything we've been through.

"Are you trying to look out for me?" I take a guess.

He hums. "I've said it before, right? I don't want to be the kind of person to lock you up and keep you from living your life. I'll have to hold back a bit, but..."

"So you're jealous?" And I'm back to grinning. He should know better than to admit to it now.

And yet he does. "Isn't that obvious?" He looks away for a second, blushing a little harder now.

I guess it is. I would be anxious if Iwa was as close to someone as I am to Issei. This doesn't really come as a surprise, and yet he shouldn't have told me. "Iwa-chan, you know I'm gonna abuse that, right?"

"Please don't," he groans. "I'll ignore you if you start doing things on purpose."

"You can't ignore me forever," I chirp. I love knowing about the hold I have on him. "You're no longer the aggressive, angry Iwa-chan that you were when I fell in love with you. And although I don't mind you not crushing my skull every other second, I... I kind of like it when you get mad and flustered, you know?"

"Pervert," he mutters as he places a hand over my face to push me away. "Just tell me what you want to eat already."

I pout and whine as he gets up, leaving me cold and lonely. "No! Come back!"

He pays no attention to my cries. "Is a sandwich okay? Or do you want something else?"

"I want you to hold me, Iwa-chan," I sulk. "Love me!"

With a quiet sigh, he sits down next to me again. I throw my arms around his waist and press my head against his side, while he starts gently combing my hair with my fingers. "Don't worry. I love you."

Contently, I smile, nuzzling against his waist. This is real. This is all real. I can act this childish and needy, and he'll still answer me. He'll give in to me. He'll spoil me and cherish me and care for me. So I don't want him to have doubts. I want him to be submerged in my feelings.

"And I love you. I love you in a way that I could never love Sei-chan. You should know that you're the only one for me, Iwa-chan! Nobody else can do to me what you manage to do so easily, even if they tried. So don't compare yourself to him, or to anyone else. You're out of their league. Okay?"

He hums. "I'll try to remember. But maybe you should remind me every now and then. To see if I haven't."

"I'll make sure you'll never forget~" I grin. "Now please get me that sandwich."

~A short one cause I don't know how to skip to the next scene properly ha. Next chapter might be the last, so... I hope I won't disappoint y'all. I'm pretty upset with how this all ended up, but I always am, so... Don't mind me. -J~

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