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I wake up hot, sweaty, and with a headache. My body is being pressed against the mattress and one of my arms is in a very uncomfortable position. And yet I don't want to move.

Because moving means losing my sleepiness. And losing my sleepiness means facing reality. I'm not ready for that yet. For once, my memories are still fully intact, even after drinking. And I don't want to think about them right now.

It's been a long while since I slept this good. Even with a hangover, I feel well-rested. Of course, Issei has helped me get through the nights, but not like this.

Sorry, Sei-chan, but this might just be my favourite way of waking up now. Being so close to him, feeling the warmth of his skin... I could lay here forever.

But the more I think about Iwa, the more adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. And that gets my brain running.

It doesn't help that Iwa starts moving. He groans, pushes himself away a little bit, and stretches. It allows me to position myself better, but I stay close to him.

"Good morning..." I mutter awkwardly. Oh no. After all that was said and done yesterday, I don't know how to react.

Didn't I totally confess to him? I mean, I never 100% said it, but there's no way he hasn't realized by now. If he knew back in high school, he should know right now. And even then, he went along with everything.

Ah, damn it. I did so many embarrassing things... So how come I don't feel a single bit of regret? I feel relieved. I feel content, even.

The man I love tries to pull me even closer. "G'morning," he yawns.

Why is my face going red? For what reason? Is it because he said things a hundred times worse than me? I remember it all. I played it on repeat in my head, on and on, until I fell asleep.

I curl up against him, hoping to hide from myself. That makes no sense, I know, but... My thoughts are haunting me. How am I supposed to get up and act all friendly after this?

This makes Iwa chuckle. "You okay?"

Does he not feel embarrassed at all? "I could die right now."

"Hey, just checking... You've been saying that for a while now, but you don't actually mean it, right?" I can almost hear his frown.

"No. I'm just so... I can't believe I just let myself go like that," I huff.

"Ah, uh... you mean you remember...?" He becomes a bit more shy suddenly.

I laugh a little. "What? You didn't think I would? That's so sad! Even though I was so happy to hear everything you told me."

He pushes himself away and moves down a little, putting his head on the same level as mine. "So... Do you regret anything?"

While trying my hardest not to blush, I answer honestly. "No, I don't, but I wouldn't be surprised if you--"

"If you remember, then you should know." He doesn't let me finish my sentence. "I can't say no to you..."

Hearing him say these things while I'm sober, in the broad daylight, with an adorably timid expression on his face... Yeah. Guess I'll just die.

"Then hold me." I pull him towards me. "I'm still tired. I have a headache. And you're warm."

"Do you want me to get you something? Some medicine? Some water?" He lowers the volume of his voice.

"I don't need anything but you." Ahh, I'm saying weird stuff again... I turn around and push my back against his chest. It's way easier to be close to him like this. And I won't even have to face him.

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