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Makki and Iwa left not long after that. I made sure Lana was busy doing something in the back of the cafe before sneaking them out. It wouldn't have been a problem if she met Makki, but seeing her ex-crush would be a different story.

After Iwa walked off, Lana made sure I got home safe and sound. She hated him for what he did, much like Issei. They quickly bonded over that, which is why she took us both in. I'm sure that, if she found out, they would start some kind of alliance to keep Iwa away from me.

Issei and I didn't talk much after that, but I noticed he was beaming. And so was I. Sometimes, the realization would hit me. He loved me. It would tear me apart, but also make me glow.

Our customers loved our excitement. As soon as we turned our cafe into a bar, they started offering us drinks for it, which only fueled our energy. That, in return, got us even more attention.

By the time our shift ended, we were in deep. Issei wasn't very good at hiding his emotions before, but now he was constantly smiling. It was adorable. I almost forgot how good he looks when he's truly happy. Thank you, Makki, for showing me this sight again.

We went to bed, and he fell asleep almost instantly. I couldn't even close my eyes. The adrenaline was rushing through my veins, my skin was hot, my world was spinning. So I decided to take a short walk, just so I could cool down and breathe in some fresh air.

And now I'm lost. I didn't take my phone with me, my vision is a bit blurry, and the area looks unfamiliar. The fact that it's something past 2 AM doesn't help, either.

The good news is that I'm finally getting tired. The bad news is that I have no idea where my bed is. But my legs are growing heavy, and even the concrete is looking comfortable right now.

Maybe sitting down for a bit will help. I place myself on the stairs of one of the houses I was walking by, leaning against the front door. I'm sure the owner doesn't mind. I mean, it's the middle of the night. They won't even know.

The ground is freezing and hard, but my body temperature stays high. So I lay down, seeking more of the soothing cold. Maybe I should've just taken a shower at home. Issei is gonna be mad at me...

Oh, well. That'll be a worry for the me of tomorrow. I stare at the starry sky, hoping to keep my mind empty. The street lights kind of ruin it, but it's not completely invisible.

Another night without my best friend... Ugh. I don't like that at all. I miss him already. Maybe I should just go sleep. It'll be easier to get help when the sun is up.

Right as I close my eyes, I hear some noise coming from behind the door that I'm next to. "This again?" It sounds tired.

This situation seems familiar. I can't gather the strength to push myself up, so I just stare at the house, waiting.

Rattling of a key. A click. The door opening. "I don't know where you want me to look, but I'll try. And..." The person turns quiet, not finishing his sentence. "..."

"...And? And what? Iwa? Helloooo?" A more electronic sounding voice appears.

"Hey, can you tell Matsukawa something?" His emerald green eyes show relief, but his expression tells me he's bothered. I smile at him. Now that's a nice surprise.

"Yeah, sure."

"Tell him 'you'll never guess where I found him'."

"Huh? You did already? Hey, Matsu, Iwa says..."

I hear laughter coming from the background. So Makki is with Issei right now? That's good. At least he won't be alone, then.

Now relaxed, I extend my arms to the man next to me. "Iwa-chan~"

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