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Fourteen days remaining

A knock on the door wakes me up. "Iwaizumi? Have you seen..."

I stare right into my father's eyes as he stares at me and Iwa, almost naked, holding each other tightly.

"This is not what it seems!" I yell as he closes the door again. "Iwa-chan! Let me go!"

I release my best friend, but he does not do the same. No matter how much I push against him, I am no match for his strength.

"We need to get up," I try. "He-ey, Iwa-chan!"

He takes a deep breath and finally moves a little. "Hrmm?"

"Geez, weren't you supposed to help me get up?" I huff.

Finally, I am freed, although I do regret it a little. I put as much distance between us as possible, forgetting how small this bed is, and falling off.

Iwa chuckles. I rub my poor butt, which I landed on. It hurts quite a bit, actually. "I am never getting near you ever again if there's a bed nearby."

"Right, right. Just hurry up, princess," he continues to laugh as he gets up.

I also try to pull myself up, but quickly get down again as even more pain shoots through my behind. Oh, damn it.

"You okay?" Iwa asks as he pulls his shirt over his head. Of course, he immediately notices.

"I should be in a minute. I must've fallen on my tail bone, or something," I sigh.

My best friend shrugs and continues to put on his casual clothes. It almost makes me a bit sad. Almost.

But by the time he is done, I still find myself unable to get up. Cluelessly, I ask my friend for help. "Uh, Iwa-chan, could you lend me a hand?"

"You sure? I mean, there's a bed right there," he points. "Does it really hurt that much?"

"Please?" I don't feel like reacting to his teasing right now. He is definitely having too much fun with it.

"Alright, alright." With ease, he lifts me up. The next problem? He doesn't let me down.

"Iwa-chan! No! Stop!" I am surprised, yet relieved that he walks out of the bedroom, and then horrified when he starts walking down the stairs. "No, please, no, stop, please!"

The thought of having to face my dad already has me crying inside. But like this? While I am still undressed, while I am being bridal carried by Iwa, and while my back is dying?

My father and I once again stare at each other in silence. "Good morning," Iwa tells him casually.

The old man looks away and takes a sip of his tea, still not saying a word. Oh, god, this is awkward...

"And what were you planning to do now?" I glare at my best friend.

"Uh..." The dumbass shrugs. "Ice?"

"For what?" My dad finally speaks up.

And, as if there are no better words for it, Iwa answers with "His ass hurts."

I want to slam my head against a wall. I wish I could. But no. All I can do is pray that my dad doesn't react.

He does. "Oh. I thought you were straight."

"Gah, I hate you both!" I cry out. "Don't make any weird assumptions," I yell to the man sipping his tea, "and don't say weird things!" I beg my best friend.

"Weird assumptions..." Still not looking at us, my dad raises an eyebrow. "Care to explain, then?"

How exactly do you say 'This absolute douchebag refuses to let me sleep on my own for whatever reason' without it sounding weird? You don't.

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