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Even after the four of us get together, it's mostly me and Makki talking to each other. But Iwa and Issei are close to us, so we can't talk about them anymore. That saddens me a bit. I would've loved to hear more stories of how Iwa and him spent the last four years, but I'm guessing the topic of those talks won't sit by and let that happen.

We still had fun, though. It could've been even better when some of our regulars saw me and Issei chilling, and bought us some drinks like always. I accepted, which made Iwa and Issei pretty mad. Makki only laughed his ass off.

I wasn't able to even touch a glass. Every time someone got me something, Iwa would take it off of them and drink it himself. Which is really stupid, because we have a lot of regulars, and we get a lot of drinks. And it's also really mean! Those are mine!

So while Makki and me get louder, the other two turn even more quiet. Time passes by, and I know neither of them has a great alcohol tolerance. It must be getting to them. This might be a great chance, actually...

"Hey, hey, Hiro-chan~" I got used to the new nickname quickly, as I usually do. "I'm getting a little tired. Can I sleep at yours tonight?" I don't know how late it is exactly, but I'd guess it's somewhere around midnight.

My pink-haired friend looks a bit confused, but accepts. "Hmm? Sure! I only have my bed, though. Hope you don't mind."

I immediately feel one very intense stare on me. It's a bit intimidating, actually. I turn to the owner. "Ah, Sei-chan, do you mind? Or will you be lonely without me?~"

He doesn't answer me. In fact, he hasn't said anything to me since we sat down, except the one warning he gave me about drinking. I'd kind of expected him to go along with us somehow. Is he really that mad at me? I mean, I've been keeping Makki to myself today, I've been all touchy-feely with him, and I've been making him blush every now and then by whispering something about his crush.

I guess that's good. He needs to feel the pressure. "Guess I'll be coming with you, then." I put my head on Makki's shoulder. "I wanna have some more fun with you~"

The other laughs loudly. "That's so wrong! Stop!"

A giggle escapes me as well. "What? I didn't mean it like that, you weirdo!"

"Mhm. Yeah. Sure you didn't," he replies jokingly. "Do you wanna leave now, or in a few?"

Before I can even think about it, I hear the sound of a glass being put down right next to me. Not even a second later, I feel a very familiar stare being focused on my back. It doesn't take long for me to remember this feeling. Shit.

"Now." Panic rushes through my body again. It makes Makki tilt his head in confusion, and even Issei frowns. Shit. This isn't a great chance at all. It'll only mess things up. Oh, no...

"Oh-okay?" The other doesn't resist as I take his hand.

"Sei-chan, will you be fine? Iwa-chan, you can get home yourself, right?" I turn to the latter, making a huge mistake. I can't resist him at all. Especially if he's staring at me, looking like a lost puppy. It takes all of my self control to not just give in to that stupid stare.

I can't stand this. Stop it. Stay away. I turn around again and tug on Makki's hand softly, hoping he will drag me away from here.

But he doesn't do it in time. My free hand is being taken as well, and the staring intensifies.

"No," I try, even though I know it's pointless. I'm not looking at him, but I'm sure he's planning to infiltrate my personal space. "Don't..."

As expected, Iwa throws his arms around my waist from behind despite my struggling. He rests his head against my back. He's so warm...

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