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The two of us slowly make our way through the streets. We're don't have much space between us as we walk, sometimes softly bumping into each other, but I don't mind. The fresh, warm air feels good and my skin, and it is much better to breathe in. The sounds of nature calm my heart a bit. The occasional breeze is also appreciated.

I look to the boy on my right, wondering if he enjoys it too. Mattsun hasn't gone outside a lot since he broke up with Makki. He only went out to help me with my problems. I feel kind of guilty for it.

So I'll be treating him today. I'm letting him lead me wherever he wants to go, and I'll pay for whatever he wants to have. I hope he's at least a bit hungry today. Neither of us have been eating much lately.

"You pick where we eat," I tell him, just to make sure we have a goal. It feels like we're just wandering around right now. I don't really care about that, but I am afraid he'll get tired of it. And he still has that worried expression...

"Hmm. I don't really have anywhere I want to go, so..." My friend shrugs. "And you were the one that wanted to go outside, so I thought you had something in mind."

I frown a bit. It seems he's not very happy to be outside after all. Let's just make it quick, then.

The first thing that comes to mind is a sandwich shop that I used to visit a lot. It's close to school, so Iwa and I always went to get our lunch there if one of us forgot ours at home. It's been really awkward between us, so I haven't been there in a while, but...

Since we didn't really have a goal, we actually ended up at the other side of the city, quite a ways away from where the shop is. But it shouldn't take too long to get there if we take some shortcuts.

"Are you okay?" I take Mattsun's hand in my own for a second, squeezing it softly before letting go again.

He stays quiet for a while, as if he's thinking about it. "I just... It's Friday, and school starts again next Monday, and it's the last week before the exam, and... I can't afford to miss anything now, but I really, really don't want to go to school..."

Fuck. It's not like I forgot that our break would end, but I didn't think about the fact that Mattsun and Makki would have to face each other. Or how I'll have to see Iwa each and every day.

"I don't think he will want to come, either," I admit, trying to avoid saying his ex's name. "You shouldn't push yourself too hard."

"My mom will kill me, though." He lets out a heavy sigh. "If I get any failing grades... Especially since it's our second to last exam week."

It's kind of weird to hear that. He's right. In a few months, we'll be graduating. No more high school. No more seeing Iwa daily... I don't know if I should be relieved or sad about that.

Well, if I'll lose him anyways, it's probably best if I just never see him again. I don't think I can take that. I'll have to see him for two more months at least, though...

I sigh as well. It's gonna be hard to focus until summer vacation starts. But I really need a diploma for my future. Even if I can't imagine my life after this...

We turn the corner, just a minute away from our destination, when an obstacle appears on our way. I take Mattsun's wrist and stop walking, signaling that he should get back as well.

The black-haired boy, who had been staring at the ground the entire time, now turns to look at me, confused. "What's wrong?"

He doesn't need an answer. One glance to the street in front of us tells him all he needs to know.

I don't know why I'm shocked to the point that I'm frozen. I knew this, ever since last Thursday. Was I somehow hoping that they would split despite the sign I got earlier today?

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