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I wake up in Iwa's bed cold and alone, a cold towel pressed to my forehead. That's weird. It's been a while since I have been between these sheets without being in Iwa's arms as well.

A quiet conversation can be heard in the background, although I can't understand what is being said. Seems like Iwa is already awake. Weird that he would leave me alone without me yelling and pushing... Well, I guess it is a bit awkward with Makki around.

I'm still sleepy, but I decide to open my eyes anyways. The world around me is slowly coming to me. My vision is becoming less bright and blurry, and the words my friends are speaking are becoming clearer.

"So you love him?"

No audible answer. Just silence. Did I hear that right? That was Makki's voice, wasn't it? Him?

I turn my face towards them, staring right at my pink-haired friend. He has an annoyed frown on his face, something I wouldn't expect from him. But as soon as his gaze connects with mine, he goes back to his neutral expression, taking a sip of his tea.

Was I just hearing things? I thought I was more awake than that, and my fever seems to almost be gone, too. Oh, well. Just forget it. Don't go thinking stupid things again.

I sit up, get the cold and wet cloth off of my forehead and push away the blanket. "Iwa-chan, how many times do I have to tell you to cover that up?" I yawn as I walk up to my friends, gently sliding my fingers down Iwa's back once I arrive.

He shivers and reaches for my hands. "Don't scare me like that, Shittykawa!"

"What were you guys talking about?" I ignore his yelling and let my curiosity slip through.

No answer. Iwa looks at Makki, who is looking at his tea. That's suspicious.

"Don't ignore me," I pout, running my fingers over my best friend's scratched skin even more.

"Stop it!" He tries to grab my hands, my wrists, my arms, anything. Lucky for me, he isn't flexible enough. Until he turns around.

"I told you to put on a shirt, Iwa-chan," I sigh as he takes hold a of me, stopping my movements. "I'm not as shameless as you are, and it's embarrassing me."

He scoffs. "You're not shameless? Right. Keep on walking around with that bruised neck of yours."

"Who do you think did this to me?"

"Eh? Who do you think did this to me, Trashykawa?"

"I'm sure you started it! That-" I point to his back "-must be a result of this." I now point to my neck.

"Talking like you know what happened." He scoffs again.

I grin. "You couldn't resist me any longer, is what happened~"

"Alright, die." Naturally, he starts reaching for my head, ready to smush it.

"No, no, I thought we agreed not to do that anymore," I panic, swatting his hands away.

"Then how do you want me to kill you, hm?"

"Makkiiiii," I cry out. "Help me."

"Sure. I'll gladly end both of you myself." There's no sarcasm or witty tone in his voice. "Seriously, asking me to take care of you, then making me go through all of this..."

I do feel sorry for him. He's in this really awkward situation with two energetic people, while he probably just wants to cry and sleep.

"Alright," I sigh. "We'll talk about something else. I wanted to hear about whatever happened on Thursday, anyways."

Please Don't Hit Zero ~ IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now