| Cherish |

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Previously on Predestined:

There was no sign of Shehzad after he left to make it up to Bia, after a lecture from Jeet.

Meanwhile, Sobia and Shehzad had temporarily shifted into Bia's parents' Lahore home after an intruder entered their home.



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I was worried pacing the foyer, wanting to pull my hair out of its roots. Jeet Bhai had said that he would get Armaan Bhai's police acquaintances involved, but I felt sick to my stomach at how long that could take. In the meantime, Shehzad could be suffering... My heart was pounding so uncontrollably that I felt that it would eventually explode. I had never felt fear with this intensity before.  

I was on my own here, with no family around, and I was freaking out, so I called the only person I could think of: Mishal.

"Sobia, is everything okay?" She sounded worried as I cried on the phone.

"Shehzad has gone missing." I sobbed. "M-Mishal, I can't lose him. I'm terrified." 

"Missing?" She asked quietly. "Sobia, where are you at the moment? Still at your parents' house?" 

"Y-Yes, but don't come, Misha. It might be dangerous. If you know people, if you can think of anyone who Shehzad might be visiting, or he might know... I... I can't think straight..." 

"I'm coming." She sounded determined. "I know the fear very well, and I don't want you going through it alone." 

I hoped with everything in me that my fear did not morph into the nightmare she'd experienced. Shez and I had our issues, but the thought of anything happening to him made my heart want to stop beating. "Mishal..."

"In Sha Allah, he'll be fine, Sobia." She sounded firm. "Ever since I married Sarib, Shehzad has been like a younger brother to me, despite him being older in age. I feel like I should look out for him like a sibling, and I can't fail in that responsibility." 

'I can't let Sarib down.' I heard the hidden meaning in her words, even though she didn't verbally express it.

I heard a car horn outside and I turned to face the front door. "Oh Allah! Mishal, I think he's here! I'll call you back in a few." I hung up and rushed towards the front door, peeking out of one of the windows flanking the front door. My relief knew no bounds as I saw Shehzad get out of his car, looking exhausted but unharmed. Alhumdulillah. I threw open the front door and rushed outside. "Shehzad!"

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