| New Beginnings |

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"What's happening?" Maaz looked confused, watching the preparations going on around us.

I got down on one knee and placed my hands on his shoulders. "Maaz..." Mishal had requested me to do this for her, as she felt that she would break down. "Your mother is getting married again." 

The confusion in his eyes didn't fade away. He was still too young to understand the concept of marriage. 

"You and your mother will go and live at Rohail Uncle's house." I continued. 

Mishal had decided not to live at their current home, because that home had been hers and Bhai's, and she wasn't comfortable at the idea of starting her new life in a home that was filled with memories of her first husband. She was going to sell the home, and while most of the money was going to be kept in a trust for Maaz, she was going to donate some to a charity that helped families of murder victims.

"Why? We have a house." 

"When a couple get married, they live together." I tried to explain in as simple terms as possible. "Your mother and Rohail Uncle are marrying each other, so they have to live together." 

We had all decided not to use the terms 'New Papa' or 'New Mama' with Maaz and Inara yet. We would let them all live together and get used to the idea. It was better for the kids to accept the idea themselves then to force the idea into their young and impressionable minds. I wasn't too familiar with Inara's situation yet, but I knew that if we tried to convince Maaz that he would be having a new father, it was highly likely that he wouldn't accept it.

"Okay." Maaz shrugged. "But my toys will go with me, right?" 

I smiled, ruffling his hair. "Of course, buddy." 

"Are you still going to be my Chachu?" He randomly asked, making me wonder if he actually did realise in some way what was going on.

"I will always be you Chachu, Maaz." I pinched his cheek. That was the beauty of blood relations; they were permanent and couldn't be severed, even long after a person left the world. No matter how angry you are at them, no matter how long you haven't spoken, these relationships were eternal. 

He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me. "I love you, Chachu. Don't forget me." 

To hear such a young child say that, it was heart-breaking. "I love you too, Maaz. And why would I forget my best friend, Maaz? You're my favourite nephew, how can I ever forget you?" I kissed his cheek. I then noticed Mr and Mrs Hamid standing in the doorway of the living room, giving us sad smiles. Mrs Hamid had tears in her eyes, which she dabbed away with her dupatta.



"You know Mishal Aunty, right?" I sat beside Inara on the steps that led out into the garden. Bubbles played around on the grass in front of us.

My niece nodded.

"Well, she's going to come and live here with her son Maaz." I told her gently. 

"Why?" She wrinkled her nose in confusion.

"Because Mishal Aunty is going to be marrying your Papa." I said. "You know, how in the end of Disney films, the princesses marry the princes? Well, similarly, your Papa will marry Mishal Aunty."

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