| Justice |

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Sorry about the delay, guys. I was unwell, and got tested positive with covid yesterday. But for me, it's like a bad flu with no sense of taste or smell at all. 



I often told Jeet that he talked so much that he would easily win a case without people even listening to what he was saying. 

Even know he was jabbering on about a car he had an eye on.

"Jeet, it's barely nine." I pulled on my sunglasses as I controlled the car with one hand. The morning sun was starting to become an obstacle for driving, blaring mercilessly down and entering my eyes. 

"Rude." He muttered, sipping his coffee.

"I had a late night, and I am staring to develop a headache, so excuse me if I'm not all jolly." I muttered. 

He grinned. "Ah! Late nights of a newly married man. Got it."

I looked at him, shaking my head. "Why is it that one point or another in your life, you want to kill your best friend?" 

"You wouldn't be best friends if you don't want to kill each other every once in a while." He replied smoothly.

A few moments later, I entered the car parking of the court. 

"I just had breakfast, and yet I'm already craving some parathay." Jeet mumbled almost sadly as we got out of the car.

"You're such a foodie." 

"You're saying that as if it's such a bad thing?" He raised an eyebrow at him. "Foodie for Life and Proud!" He placed a fist over his chest, displaying his 'pride'. Suddenly, all amusement vanished out of his face and his brow furrowed as he saw something behind me.

"What?" Confused, I turned and stopped. 

Picture yourself being suddenly hit in the chest by a very heavy object, and having all the breath knocked out of you. That is how I felt at that moment. The world seemed to have frozen around me, time seemed to have stopped and a heavy silence fell on the city around me, although in reality, cars were honking away and speeding past the grounds of the court like normal.

I saw the star tattoo on he wrist as he shook hands with a lawyer. My gaze slowly went up to the face that I never wanted to see alive again. The hair had grown out, as had the beard, but that smug, a*****e expression was still on that face.

My hands curled into fists and my jaw clenched.

"Shehzad?" Jeet appeared by my side. "You didn't tell me he was being released."

"I wasn't told either." I had no idea if Jeet even heard those words as I spoke so quietly.

The video footage flashed into my mind, the one that I had to watch in order to ensure that my brother received justice. 

The man with the star tattoo had delivered the final blow that had caused the ultimate brain damage to Sarib Bhai, according to medical experts.

As far as I knew, he was never meant to get out alive.

"You b*****d!" I yelled out, storming towards him.

"Shehzad!" Jeet chased after me.

The lawyer and the star-tattoo murdered turned to face me as I approached them. 

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