| Bright Future |

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When Inara had arrived in the world, she had been a very weak baby. She hadn't been given the sufficient nutrition that a baby requires during pregnancy, and the gynaecologist had been greatly concerned. She hadn't been breastfed at all after birth, and had relied on formula milk. In all other matters, Rabail had been the mother that Inara so desperately craved. I did as much as I could, like nappy changing, staying up the night for her, like any other parent should. But I also knew that I wouldn't have managed it even half as well if it were not for my sister.

My daughter was my whole world, my life, and I would actually sacrifice my life for her.

Bearing her importance in my life, I still gathered the strength to ask Mishal the very important question, because I had started to believe that I could trust her to always cherish Inara. It was not like I was just looking for a maternal figure for my daughter, but it was amazing to know that I might have found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and who wouldn't mistreat Inara.

"Mishal, I have to be honest with you." I began as we stood by her car outside the BeeWrite office.


"I have a great deal respect for you as a person, as a lawyer. You're admirable for the strength that you have shown in all areas of life, as a professional, as a mother." I spoke with full honesty. "I don't want to offend you or disrespect you in any way, but I have to admit that I have developed feelings for you, strong ones."

The surprise on her face was blatantly obvious. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted slightly. 

"I have to ask you something, Mishal, and I promise that if you say no, I will not bother you with this again." I continued. "We'll consider this chapter as over, with no hard feelings."

"What is it?" Her voice sounded a little raspy.

"Bearing our culture and religion in mind, if you agree to this, I would like my father to meet your parents." I didn't give myself time to second guess myself as our gazes locked. "Are you happy for this to go ahead?"

She didn't speak for a few moments. Her eyebrow raised a little, as if she was silently questioning my proposal. She bit her lower lip, her cheeks turned pink and her eyes had unreadable emotions whirling around them like tornadoes. 

"A speechless lawyer makes an ironic picture." I smiled weakly, feeling nervous.

"Y-You want to marry me?" She finally asked, breathlessly. 

I nodded. For a few moments, I began to question myself. What if she gets genuinely offended? What if this hurts her, causes her further pain? What if she begins to hate me?

"Rohail." Her words came out shaky, so she cleared her throat and continued speaking with a stronger voice, "Maaz is my priority. I live for him. I haven't even started to contemplate the idea of remarrying. I need to do what's best for him before anything else." 

"And I understand that completely." I agree with her sentiments. "I feel the same way when it comes to Inara. However, I can't deny that it's important to have companionship in our lives. For the first time since my marriage broke down, I felt that I could find that companionship with someone else, with you." 

Her gaze dropped down to the ground and suddenly she looked more vulnerable than I'd ever seen her. 

"I don't want to, or intend to, replace him in your life or Maaz's." I whispered. "I'm just hope that we can have a new start together." 

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