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I can hear the distant groans while I tap my feet impatiently on the white floor.

Toby is pacing with sweat on his forehead.

Mom is obviously in so much pain,yet I can't do anything about it.

The aura the hospital brings sends chills down my body.

The smell,ughh. The white walls,ughh². The white floor,ughh³.

Mom has been in the Labour room for fifteen minutes now,and I'm very scared. I've heard stories of women who didn't come out alive,and I say a quick prayer that that's not happening to mom.

When the person I'm calling picks up,I press the phone to my ear.

"Hello-the I Don't Have Time For my Family-dad" I say into the phone.

"What is it Jason? I'm at work"

"Of course you are"

"Where are you? And what's wrong?"

"Your dear wife is in labour and you're nowhere to be freaking seen!" I hiss

"What? She's-she's in labour? Why didn't she call me? Why did no one tell me about this?" He asks

"Why would she call you? She's fighting for hers and the baby's life" I reply.

"But she's okay, right?" He asks

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know," dad sighs. "Don't scare me,Jason"

"I'm serious,I don't know. I'm not in there with her"

"Are you with the baby stuff?" Dad asks

"Yeah, Toby brought it earlier"

"I'm sorry I'm not there right now"

"We're used to it. I just wanted to inform you" I reply.

"Jason, please," dad sighs and his tone changes. It's lower and...sadder? "I know I'm not the best dad ever,but I'm trying my best,I honestly am. Y'all mean so much to me and I'm doing all this for you. I'm working my butt off for you guys,so please don't make me look like a bad person," his voice goes low. "You get my early morning emails right?"

"Yea,yeah,I do" I reply slowly.

Dad sends me emails every morning wishing me a great day ahead and all that, asking after everyone and how he misses us.

"I'll book the next flight now," he says. "I'll be there as soon as I can. It may not be today, but I will get there before my baby girl celebrates her first birthday" he jokes and I laugh.

"You old maniac" I laugh into the phone.

"Your mother's gonna have me for dinner if I do that"

I laugh again,and so does he.

"I miss you, Jason" he says quietly.

"I also do"

"So I'll send you some money, please use it wisely. And tell your mom I love her with everything in me. I'll also send her some money, likewise Toby"

"Sure. Bye"

"She is the exact replica of me" I chirp as I stare at the beauty in front of me.

"She's so delicate and beautiful," Toby says staring at our new sister. "Look at them eyelashes"

"So long"

"Have any of you heard from your father?" Mom asks tiredly from the bed.

"Yes,he said he's taking the next available flight,and he said he loves you"

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