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Guess who hit twenty chapters?? We did!! It hasn't been easy guys,but I still love y'all. ʘ‿ʘ this chapter contains details about Ruby's past soooo read intently guys😂✋

The atmosphere is calmer,she is sitting on my bed,not before I begged her to. I am beside her,and she is just staring at the door across her which is my bathroom.

"Whenever you're ready,Ruby" I say in a calm way when someone texts me.

It's Dante.

Yo!! You okay?

Me: Yes.

Dante: Is Ruby okay?

Me: umm,yeah.. she is. We're just talking.

Dante: Cool,where we crashing?

Me: Guest room

Dante: Kelly?

Me: In the other gest room.

Dante: Okay then. We might still be awake for a few more minutes.

Me: Yeah,dope.

And he goes offline.

I turn to Ruby and I look at her,as if waiting for her to say something.

Her voice is raspy so she clears her throat
"My mom.. she's dead," she starts. "My dad killed her"

A gasp escapes my mouth,and if I didn't have any feelings, I'd grab some popcorn to listen.

"They fought day and night. It scared my sister and I because sometimes,my dad will throw sharp stuff at my mom,she would miss,sometimes,it would hurt her but in the morning,when we asked her what it was,she would just smile and say it was dark and she was looking for something," she inhales with her eyes deeply closed. "One day,they were fighting and as usual,Gracie and I were staying at the staircase to listen. My dad pulled out a gun,and immediately I saw him,I ran towards him"

She stops and I hold her hand,caressing it.

"The first bullet hit mom and she screamed. Gracie ran to her when she saw dad aiming the gun at mom's body which was shaking on the floor. Dad was obviously too drunk to know what he was doing,so the bullet hit Gracie's leg. She fell and I was too terrified to scream. I tied a cloth around Gracie's leg as I called the ambulance. I kept begging mom not to close her eyes, I kept slapping her cheeks. Mom was crying,her body was shaking. He hit her chest with the bullet. I saw him walking to me and I was so angry that I took the gun on the floor and hit it on his head. That was all I needed to knock him out"

Tears run out of her eyes and I'm too shocked to even move,my hand just keeps forming a pattern on her hand.

She witnessed all that as a child.

She clears her throat and continues

"All that happened a few weeks after I lost Zach," she sighs. "Gracie is on a wheelchair and she doesn't go to school because she is constantly stigmatized,when my dad killed my mom,it was all over the news,it was the hot topic in the neighbourhood. I was always hearing, 'did you hear about that man that killed his wife?' or 'look at their kids,what a pity!'.  Gracie is homeschooled and everytime I have to go,trust me, it's urgent. She has had too many attempted suicides because she feels she doesn't belong here. Sometimes,I don't sleep because I'm always watching her,sometimes she has panic attacks in the middle of the night and apart from my aunt that she lives with,I'm the only one she has"

"Ken accommodated us while my aunt was moving here. We stayed at his place for close to a year. He would feed us,take us out,give us money even when he didn't have enough.... I owe that guy a lot. He basically trained me"

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