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At some point, we'll switch to Ruby's POV :)

It's been months and I've been having more exams than classes? Why? Because I'll be leaving high school in a few months. It sounds awesome and at the same time strenuous.

Ruby is sitting in the passenger seat,she looks red.

I'd been asking her what's wrong but she hasn't answered up until now.

"Ruby,are you okay?" I ask her as I drive to school.

"Yes" she replies we she continues to stare out the window.

"I'm really worried" I say,but she doesn't reply.

There's silence for approximately five minutes and fourteen seconds.

"Don't wait for me when school's over," she says. "I'll be gone before then"

"Where to?".

She doesn't reply and this is really bothering me.

The past few months, almost years,Ruby has been such a puzzle.

She's always been like that since I met her.

I'm really bothered. I just hope she's okay.

"You're drinking so much,dude" Dante says to me,and I only glare at him.

"What's bothering you?" Toby asks

I don't reply,I only keep feeding my dry throat some burning vodka.

"Is it Ruby?" Ace asks in a quiet but very serious tone.

"Jason,just talk already" Toby says as Rylie leans into him.

Rylie hasn't said a word,but she keeps staring at me.

We're in the living room,but my mind can't help but wander back to Ruby all the time.

I've called her several times,but she hasn't picked up.

I hope she's okay. I hope she's okay.

"That's enough of alcohol for one night," Rylie takes the glass out of my grasp. "Come" she stretches out her hand to me,and I accept it.

When I get up,I try to regain my balance,but Rylie holds on to me.

"Where are you going,babe?" Toby asks Rylie.

"I'll be back"

The drive here was quiet,and I'm happy Rylie hasn't interrogated me. Yet.

She parks the car,and we both get down.

This place is deserted. It's a sandy place with a lot of trailers parked here.

But,the solemnity of this place is soothing. I can see a little lake ahead and the way the water moves calms me down.

"So," she starts leaning on her car. "What's the probs?"

"You-" I try but my voice comes out raspy, courtesy of the fact that I haven't spoken in a while. "You didn't drive all the way here just to ask me that?" I say.

"I did"

"I'm just disturbed. She's driving me crazy" I say

"That Ruby girl?" She questions and I nod

I show her a pic of Ruby on my phone that Dante stole from her old Facebook account.

She doesn't really take pics,but Dante was able to work some magic

The funny fact is that she's not on any social media platforms. She was,but she isn't anymore.

Ruby looks younger in the pic I'm showing Rylie because she hasn't taken any pics recently.

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