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sooooo, throughout this chapter,I played 'Into your arms ' by MGX Nation and I think you should also play it. It just fits the moment where they both were in Jason's room (oops,spoiler).
Anyhoos,I was trying to post the YouTube video but the network's very bad, so y'all can listen to it while reading that part where Jason goes to meet Ruby in his room.

I'm recommending it,guys. The pic up there can help y'all,so load it♥️

Sooo, without further ado💨

Mom has served us all food and we all eat like cave men.

And when I mean 'we' , I mean Ace,Dante and I.

Kelly and Ruby seem to be getting along this evening.

Toby and Rylie are currently unavailable. Turns out it's date night for them.

Although Rylie has spent a lot of time with baby Esme

Mom carries Esme into the living room and my friends coo at how adorable she looks.

I know,I know. I'm the brother of that cutie right there.

She's wrapped in a pink shawl and her eyes are slightly open.

"She's so cute," Kelly says and walks over to her. "Who's a cutie? Who's a cutie? You are!"
Ruby looks at Esme and smiles. Esme smiles back, surprising me.

"Why does she look like me so much?" Ace questions and I hear Ruby hold in her laughter next to me.

"Uh,no she doesn't," Dante argues. "She looks like me"

"Back off brosif,she definitely looks like me"

"Boys," mom calls sweetly. "She looks like all of you"

As childish as that was,we all actually stop fighting and move on with that lie.

"Hey,you okay?" I ask Ruby and she nods while playing with her fingers.

A new habit she developed, I guess. I hope.

Mom serves dessert and we all cheer.

Ruby just smiles and I can't help but stare at her.

Her eyes speak so much,yet so little.

You can tell how angry she is by just looking into her eyes.
Same way you can't decipher how sad she is by looking into her eyes

I know she's going through a lot,and I'm ready to wait till she's comfortable enough to talk.

Oh,great! Just great! My ice cream has melted.


Mom tells us stories on how I was when I was little,she then moves on to Toby.. talking about how cute we were,what we liked and what we didn't like.

She even goes on to showing us baby pictures

My cheeks slightly flush as she shows us a picture of a half naked me when I went swimming in the lake at six years old.

The night goes on fun,and I'm happy it's a weekend. I drink some vodka as we continue to talk.

Mom warns me not to take too much and I nod.

"You want some,Ruby?" Kelly asks.

"She doesn't take alcohol" I answer for her.

Upon hearing this, mom's mouth slightly forms an 'O' shape.

"You see,Jason.. you could actually learn from her!" Mom says and I roll my eyes.

"I know right" Dante adds and sips some wine.

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