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Hey guys,there's a pic of Kelly up there.. And yeah,covers are welcome ❤...

I've tried to locate Ruby,but all to no avail.. I know very little about her.. I don't know her locker,I don't know if she's a late comer or not...
The bell that indicates the start of first period rings,and I have no choice but to attend class...

"Dude,you good?" Dante asks nudging my shoulder

"Yup" I reply

"Lies.. He's probably thinkin' about Kelly" Ace pipes in

I narrow my eyes at him,and I notice Ruby with a tray,walking to a table....

"I gotta go" I say getting up

I walk to her table..

She rolls her eyes playfully as she sees me..

"Ruby.. Ayyy,what's up?"I ask cheering for her..

"Jason,just because I spoke to you a few times doesn't mean we're friends" she replies

"I know,I know.. Can I sit?" I ask

"It's your butt" she shrugs

I just smile,before sitting down

"Why did you come late?"

"You're a stalker now,huh" she says narrowing her eyes

"I'm sorry.. I just wanted to talk to you because of what you said the last time we spoke"

She looks lost,but I remind her..

"You said I shouldn't go after-" I say but before I can finish,she cuts in..

"Ooh.. That,I remember,what about it?" She asks taking a sip of her apple juice

"Why did you say that? What altered it?"

She sighs,then looks away before returning her gaze on me..

"Jason.. Forget about it,it's stale news" she replies

"I don't think it's stale news,Ruby"

"I said forget about it" she repeats,saying each word slowly and dangerously..

"Fine," I scoff "sorry"

"So.. Why are you here?" She asks with a brighter mood


"Why are you trying to get close to me.. I mean,why are you trying to know more about me?" She asks

"Because I find you interesting" I reply

She feigns adoration..
"Wow. I feel honoured"

"You should. Cause I can tell that you're special"

"Are you a flirt or something?" She asks still chewing on her food

"Nope.. Just your regular Jason Hart" I shrug

"My regular? I barely even know you" she replies

"Then why don't we make that dream come true?"

"You think me wanting to know you is a dream?" She scoffs

"It's everyone's dream"

The bell rings and Ruby gets up..

"I'll see you around,dreamer" she says before walking off

I walk back to my table where Dante and Ace are already preparing to leave

"Wait. What happened to my food?" I ask staring at the both of them

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