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Hey y'all,there's a pic of Ruby up there.. Enjoy the chapter..❤

The past few weeks have passed uneventful,actually.. School,home or Ace's house,my bed,then school again..
The school day just ended and I must say I'm exhausted,I can't wait to get home..

Ruby has been parking her motorcycle close to my car the past few weeks. Yah,the dummy is still parking in her spot..

Ace and Dante have gone home,and I'm just about to leave when Ruby walks out of the building..

I notice her and I smile,then she notices my smile and rolls her eyes...

"Hey Ruby" I greet winking

"Stop that,you look like there's something in your eye" she says totally killing my vibe

"Are you going home?" I ask

"No,the cemetery" she replies with an eye roll

"Have fun there"

"I will" she replies getting on her motorcycle

"Wait," I say stopping her.  "May I have your number?"

She wears her helmet,and starts the engine,but she doesn't move..

"What's my surname?" She asks

I don't answer because I don't know it...

She zooms off,leaving me speechless..

For the past few weeks,I haven't bothered to know her surname.. I've only been calling her Ruby... And teachers call her Ruby too..

Immediately I get home,I take a cold shower and I change into some shorts  and a vest... I walk downstairs and I make me some sandwiches,and I eat them whilst watching some funny YouTube videos....

Mom texts me..
Honey,your dad won't be making it home today. I'm not even sure he's coming home this week.. If you're home,please lock the doors and stay safe. I'm gonna be home late,and Toby is at a friend's house.
I love you,honey :)

I can't remember when last I saw dad. I know,it's his profession. But he's really gotta make time for his fam....
I make sure to check the doors are locked;which they are,and I walk over to the couch..

I get a text from Ace..
Dude,come over.. Let's chill... It's a friday ;)

I call mom to inform her I'm going over to Ace's,and she's cool with it. So,I just change into a pair of jeans and I grab my car keys before leaving the house..
Although I'm exhausted,I can't turn down a request from my buddies..


"I'll have four,and you both can share the remaining four slices" I say smirking

"You're mad,Jason.. There are eight slices in total,we'll all have two each and that will remain two slices,so we can share those two slices into three each. And that leaves each person with two full slices and two extra slices," Dante narrates      "We have this argument every time we order pizza,and you always help us sort out the issue,Jason.. Looks like something's wrong today"

I roll my eyes..
"Can we eat now?. We can have it your way,I won't take four slices anymore"

We dig in,and the pizza isn't still hot,because Dante spent hours explaining how we should share the pizza so no one is cheated..

Two hours later,we're playing FIFA with some chocolate vodka to sip on every now and then.. I must say,this isn't how I planned my Friday evening,but it is definitely going well..

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