
24 11 1

Hey y'all,there's a pic of Dante up there.. Enjoy the chapter😇

I swerve into the parking lot,and I snicker to myself as I zoom past a sophomore who's driving so cautiously that I think he just got his license..

I pull up at my usual spot where Ruby is leaning against her bike..
I park the car well and I get out..

I grin at her
"Good morning,Ruby"

"Not bad,Hart" she says with a smirk

"My driving?" I ask with a scoff

She rolls her eyes
"Way to ruin the moment,"
"Anyway,it was cool.. Did you see the look on that sophomore's face?" She snickers

"I know right.. That look was internet worthy" I smirk

She shakes her head,and starts walking inside..

I get a text from Dante..

It's Aldine.. Ruby Aldine.
You're welcome😒

I start walking inside,and Ruby is at her locker,getting some books.. I walk up to her with a smirk..

"What is it now?," she rolls her eyes. "Lemme guess, you've somehow figured out my surname"

My whole expression falls..

She notices and rolls her eyes
"Yup. You did... Sorry if I ruined your plan" she says before walking off


"Man," Ace pauses to laugh. "That is one hell of a mind reader"

I roll my eyes and chew my food angrily

"I like her already" Dante says with a smirk

"Are you kidding? I liked her the moment I set my eyes on her" Ace replies

"Shut up,guys.. It's bad manners to talk and eat" I say

"Is Hart angry?" Dante teases

"Seems like it" Ace replies with a smirk

I glance over at Ruby's table where she's eating with earpods connected to her ears.. She looks like she's listening to music.. She moves her head rhythmically and her eyes are closed as she chews on the food..
She opens her eyes and I look away..

Immediately lunch is over,we all make our way to our next classes..
And we do that till school is finally over... The final bell goes and I release a sigh of relief..

I say bye to Ace and Dante and I'm about to get in my car when I notice Ruby come out of the school,I can't help but grin..

"Hey" I say

"Why are you smiling?" She asks

"So it's a crime,now?"

"No. It's not,but that smile is an insult to smiles" she replies

I pout..
"My smile is cute" I defend

"Fine then. There's no use arguing with a baby" she replies

I roll my eyes..
"Can I at least get your number?" I ask with a smirk

"Your phone"

I give her my phone,and she types her number.. She returns it to me..

"I'll make sure to save that as sweetheart"

"Oh," she grimaces. "How cliche"

"Fine. What should I save it as?" I ask as she mounts her bike

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