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"It's Dante's turn," Ace says. "Truth or dare,Dante?"


"I dare you to kiss Kelly"

"Ugh,no" Dante replies

"Then he gets disqualified, right?" A guy asks

"Well,if he can't do it,then yes" Ace replies

Dante raises his hands up in surrender with a smirk.

"I'll watch from the couch" he says and plops on the couch.

"Good choice" I whisper to him and he chuckles.

"Ruby. It's your turn," Kelly announces. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" Ruby shrugs

"Are you an orphan?" Kelly asks and Ruby suddenly blinks

Before Ruby opens her mouth,I already talk.

"Ask another sensible question,Kelly" I say to her and she rolls her eyes.

"What actually happened to your mom?" Kelly asks and I suddenly see Ruby get up

"Damn it , Kelly!" She fumes

"I have my sources" she smiles like a villain

Ruby breathes in and out
"You know what? She's fine. Nothing happened to her"

"Really?" Kelly asks

"Stop this,Kelly" I warn

"Then we're gonna have to disqualify her" Kelly says

"But she answered the question" I argue

"Jason,I don't even wanna play the stupid game" she says

She sits down next to Dante on the couch and huffs.

"Since Ruby is out," Kelly chuckles. "Let's continue"

Ruby gets up from the couch,and I watch her storm out.

I get up in an attempt to go with her.

Kelly calls out my name but I really don't care.

I run after her and it looks like she's heading out.

"Ruby!" I call out

She doesn't turn back until she gets outside. She stops and runs her hands through her hair.

"Ruby," I whisper

She sniffles,and when she turns to look at me,she has a blank expression. I thought she'd be crying.

"You're not crying?" I ask

She chuckles darkly.
"I don't cry,Jason," she pauses. "Not anymore"

"I'm so sorry about Kelly" I say as I try to hold her hands.
She doesn't stretch out her hands for me to hold so I just sigh.

"You don't wanna come back in," I begin and she shakes her head. "For Ace?"

"I'll call him"

"She was just out of control" I say

"Who the heck does she think she is to talk about my family like that?!," She yells. "I was gonna hit her,but man. I couldn't just bring myself to do so"

"I apologize again,but please don't leave yet" I say

"Why don't you want me to" she asks

"Because I don't want you to" I say and when I realize how weird that sounds,I let out a chuckle.

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