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"Mom,we have to go! There's gonna be so much traffic" Toby groans for the seventeenth time.

"Sorry," mom sniffles. "I'm gonna miss my baby"

"I'll miss you too,mom" I whisper trying to pull out of the hug,but her grip only tightens.

Toby,Rylie and Ruby are already in Toby's car.

Rylie is in the passenger's seat while Ruby is at the back.

"Please,be good! And pay attention to lectures! Don't stay out late. I'll call every morning, evening and midnight to check up on you"

"Midnight?" Dad and I ask at the same time.

"Yes, midnight!" She cries out and hugs me again.

Sixteen seconds later,she lets go and wipes her eyes with the tissue in her hand.

"Champ," dad smiles. "I am going to miss you so much,but I know you're off for the better. Please be good just like your mom has said. And don't try to be like others. Just be yourself even if you're not sure of it. I'll always be with you,and I'll have Toby bring special cookies from your mom to you"

"I'm not driving for six hours just for cookies!!" Toby yells from the car.

"He's joking," dad whispers. "I'll make him do it"

I chuckle and dad embraces me again.

Mom looks away and sniffles.

She really is crying.

Very much.

Her eyes are red.

"Oh,come here," she whispers and hugs me again. "I love you,Jason. You've made me proud since you were born,and I know there's more where that came from"

I nod as we pull away.

I grab my backpack from the porch and walk to the car,with one last glance at them.

Toby opens the trunk and I throw my backpack in it.

We already put my suitcases in there earlier.

I get in the car,next to Ruby and close the door

Toby starts the car,and I begin to wave at them.

I do that until they're out of sight before sitting properly in the car with a sigh.

"Hey Jason,you good?" Rylie asks

"Yeah,I am. Thanks"

Ruby holds my hand and traces on it with her smooth fingers.

"They're not the only ones who'll miss you" she says looking at me.

"I know" I whisper as tears begin to cloud my eyes.

"It's gonna be a long ride,guys" Toby announces and groans.

"You got any food?" I ask

"I think Rylie brought some snacks" he says and I nod

"I got something for you" Ruby whispers and grabs her bag from next to her.

"First,I made a book. It's like a To-do book. It consists of the things we were meant to do in the last three weeks which we ended up doing. And inside it consists of everywhere we went since prom night" she says and pulls out a black book from her bag.

 And inside it consists of everywhere we went since prom night" she says and pulls out a black book from her bag

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