I Found Him-22

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Cp 22

When I woke up the sun was shining thought the window Keaton was laying on his tummy he looked so cute and cuddly (A/note: sorry had to say that haha) "what you looking at boo" Keaton asked with a smile on this face "you" I said kissing him. "Well I had fun last night" Keaton said while we got dress "sure you did" I said putting on my shirt "I really did I aways do" he said sitting on the bed "do you think my dad well come down here" I asked him sitting next to him "why do you say that" Keaton asked "because he would aways come down to my house when I was little and I don't want to see him anymore" I said with tears in my eyes and being putted into Keaton's chest "it's oktay boo I want let him or anyone hurt you or anyone" he said hugging me while I cried "can you sing for me" I sobbed "sure what song" he asked "mmm I'm yours" I sobbed and trying to stop "oktay" Keaton said and with that he started to sing and I fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up

I woke up to Keaton's voice talking I looked up wes was sitting on the end of the bed laughing. "What are you laughing at wes" I asked sitting up "oh something that Keaton said" wes said still laughing "Keats what did you tell him" I asked "I was making fun of your dad" Keaton said in a giggley voice "he might be a jackass but he is still my dad" I said "oh I'm sorry boo" Keaton said hugging me "it's oktay Keats" I said hugging him back "aww you guys are so cute for each other" wes said hugging us and then everyone came in and we had a group hug. "So what are we doing today" drew asked "I know what we are doing tonight" Keaton said in my ear and giving me goosebumps "yeah and you gave me goosebumps" I said in his ear and he had a smirk on his face and nodded but I knew that I was going to be hurting tomorrow. "Can we go walking" Rachel asked "sure" drew said and we all got ready for the walk I was wearing my blue bikini top with my short shorts "god I can't wait for tonight" Keaton said bitting his bottom lip "don't hurt me" I said in a giggley voice and kissing him "I might I might not" he said "I'm scared now" I said kissing him and running out the door of our bedroom to downstairs. "BOO COME HERE" Keaton yelled "WHY" I yelled back "JUST COME HERE" he yelled so I ran upstairs and into our room Keaton shut the door after I got in the room "I'm in here now what do you want" I asked in a giggley voice "I want you" he said with his hands on my hips and putting me closer to him "tonight" I said with my arms around his neck "but I want you now" he whined "no not let" I said kissing him. "Can we run if we want to" I asked "sure go ahead" drew said "Keats do you want to run with me" I asked him "sure let's go" Keaton said when he started running and I started too. Keaton stopped running when we were in the middle "Keats what are you doing" I asked him "I'm sitting down" he said in a giggley voice and sitting down on a bench "do you want to go home" I asked him "no come on" he said standing up and running to the beach and I followed him "why did you asked me to come with you" I asked him "get on my back" he said "why" I said "because I love you boo" he said "I love you too Keats" I said getting on his back and kissing his cheek. We were running back to the house it was like 6:49 and we all were going out. "Come on Keats let me get dressed" I whined and stopped kissing him "why" he asked "I thought we all were going out to night" I asked "I'm dumb" he said getting of the bed "no your not dumb your sexy" I said kissing him "your sexy too" he said kissing me back "I have to get ready Keats" I said walking into the bathroom.

After dinner

We went upstairs and Keaton locked the door and got into bed. "Are you ready for tonight" he asked with a smirk on his face and I nodded bitting my bottom lip and he kissed me it soon became heated. After it was I over we got dressed and for me it hurt to move "Keats you hurt me" I whined moving slowly into the bed "sorry boo" he said as we cuddled "I love you boo" Keaton said kissing my forehead "I love you too Keats" I said kissing his cheek then we both fell asleep in each other arms.

The next day

I woke up and went to the bathroom. When I came back I wrapped Keaton's arms around me and Keaton started to rub my tummy I giggled. "Boo your so soft" he said in his morning voice "oktay" I said in a giggley voice "I love you boo" Keaton said kissing my arm "I love you too Keats and can I ask you a question" I said and asked him "sure anything" he said still kissing my arm "Keats did you wes and drew ever smoke pot" I asked "I did it a couple of times but not as many times as wes and drew did" he said "did you guys stop" I asked "yepio" he said hugging me. "We have other photography class today" Keaton said getting out of the bed "can you get me my clothes" I asked him in a giggley voice "sure thing boo" Keaton said looking through my clothes. "Found some" he said throwing my clothes at me "thanks" I said taking off my shirt "your welcome" Keaton said looking for some if his clothes. "Come on boo" Keaton said walking out the door to downstairs "I'm coming" I said walking with him "I love you so much boo and how are you feeling from last night" Keaton said and asked "I love you too Keats and not that bad" I said kissing his cheek. We walked out to the car and got in we turned on the music and the remedy by Jason mraz was on and I started to hum "boo sing" Keaton said "no it's to fast" I said "oh oktay" he said. The photography class was really short but it was fun.

Back at home

"I'm Hungry" I said to Keats "oktay let's make some food" he said "hey guys" Savanah said as she walked to the couch and sat down next to wes. "Hay" Keaton and I said was we walked into the kitchen then we saw drew and Rachel making-out "let's get something quick and then run to the room" Keaton said in my ear "oktay" I said in a giggley voice and we got our food and ran upstairs. "Shit" Keaton said "what" I asked "I forget to kiss you with cool whip in my mouth" he said "it's oktay" I said in a giggley voice. Keaton put cool whip on his lips and put some on my lips "what are you doing" I asked "kissing you" he said kissing me "I love you boo" he said as we finished our food "I love you too Keats" I said putting in my pjs and clawing into bed then did Keaton and we both fell asleep.


Oktay thanks for voting and more drama is coming up my friend is she will write the first part of the next story and plzzzzz comment and fan and vote.

Bye-Bye y'all

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