I Found Him-21

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Cp 21

So I woke up from my phone buzzing "hello" I said laying on my back "hey sunshine" my dad said "what do you want" I said in a madly "sorry for last night" he said sadly "why" I asked "that I got mad you because you have a boyfriend" he said "well I should be able to have a boyfriend" I said "boo come on let's go back to bed" Keaton said "can I talk to Keats" my dad asked "mmmm I don't know and it's Keaton" I said "oh okay can you ask him for me" my dad asked "yeah" I said "Keaton do you want to talk to my dad" I asked him "mmmm sure" he said "he said okay" I told my dad "okay" he said and I handed him the phone. After Keaton was done he handed me my phone back and he looked worried "what did he say to you" I asked him madly "he said if I hurt you or get you pregnant he'll have me killed" he said with tears in his eyes "don't listen to him he's a jackass and who cares if you get me pregnant I love you and you love me" I said while I hugged him and he hugged back "are you sure" he asked "yes I'll talk to him and tell him that I love you and you love me" I said while we still hugged "oktay" he said "I missed those lips" I said "well do you want my lips" Keaton asked "hell yeah" I said kissing him "yum I missed your lips too" he said kissing me. "Hello dad I heard what you said to Keaton" I yelled into the phone "so what" he asked "he is my boyfriend and I love him and he loves me and I why would you care if he gets me pregnant he would help me take care of OUR child" I yelled and asked him "cause your my little girl" he said and I could tell he was crying "if I was really your little girl you wouldn't kill MY boyfriend or have him killed" I yelled into the phone "okay I'm so sorry" he said "you shouldn't say sorry to me" I said "okay tell Keaton I said sorry" he said "oktay bye" I said and hung up the phone. "Hey Keaton my dad said he was sorry" I said to Keaton as we walked into the kitchen "oktay I fell so much better now" he said hugging me "oktay good" I said kissing him. "So what was all the about yelling last night" wes asked "mmmm my dad called and I got mad" I said "what the hell" wes yelled "yep he called" I said with a worried look on my face "why did he call" Savanah asked "I don't know and I don't want to know" I said "okay is your dad nice" wes asked "no he's a jackass he said if I hurt her or get her pregnant he will have me killed" Keaton said sitting down and pulling me to sit on his lap "why would he do that" savanah asked "because he says I'm his little girl and I said if I was really your little girl you wouldn't do that cause I can't live without my keaters" I said kissing Keaton's cheek. "So how's it going" drew asked walking in with Rachel "mmmm well boo's dad called last night" Keaton said " oh my god is that why there was yelling I though you guys got into a fight" Rachel running over to me and Keaton and hugged us "no I couldn't fight with my boo I love her" Keaton said while he hugged me from behind "awww I love you too Keats" I said kissing him "okay love you too" Savanah joked "I love you us too" I said as I hugged everyone "we're all going too do something today" wes said "ohh like what" Savanah asked "does everyone want to surfing" wes asked "do you want to go boo" Keaton asked "no today but you can go" I said to him "no I'll still with you boo" Keaton said "awww you so cute" I said "thank you" Keaton said kissing me. "We're alone" Keaton said leaning over and kissing my neck "so what do you want to do" I asked him knowing want he wanted "come on I want to have fun" he said still kissing my neck "no what if they walk in on us" I said "we will be in the bedroom" he said looking at me "no maybe later" I said kissing him "god I love you and your lips" he said licking his lips "shut up and kiss me" I said pulling him on top of me and laying down on the couch "god you need to take control more" he said and started kissing me "oktay I will" I said kissing his neck.

When the others get back

We were in the middle of a make-out session then everyone came in"what is this" drew asked sitting down "what I can't make-out with my girlfriend" Keaton asked getting off of me on sitting up and pulling me up with him. "Who wants ice cream" wes asked running into the kitchen "yes plz" Keaton and I yelled "here you go" drew said giving us our ice cream. After we ate our ice cream we watched a movie I was cuddled up in Keaton lap than I fall asleep.

The next day

I woke up in the bed and look at Keaton that was still sleeping "Keats wake up" I said kissing his cheek "oktay boo" he said and kissed me "I'm so sorry that I fall asleep last night I was really tired" I said kissing him back "it's oktay but can we have fun tonight" he asked me "yes" I said kissing him "come on we're all going running" wes said walking into our room "boo do you want to go running" Keaton asked "yeah" I said getting off of the bed to feed zuni "come on boo" Keaton said. After running me and Keaton went back upstairs and we were having a make-out session then my dad called "hello" I said while Keaton kept kissing my neck "hey want are you doing sunshine" my dad asked "oh nothing just watching a movie with Keaton" I said "it better not be sex in the city because Keaton will get horny as hell and you guys will have sex" he said and getting mad "DAD so what if I have sex he's my boyfriend" I yelled "you will get pregnant" he said "you know theirs something out there called condoms" I said getting mad "boo get off the phone" Keaton wined "why the hell is Keaton telling you to get off the phone" my dad asked "because the movie that we are watching is really good and I'm talking loud so he can't hear" I said "okay I thought you guys were giving sex" he said "ewwww dad now can I go" I asked him "sure bye love you" he said "love you too" I said and I ended the call "finally now I can kiss you" Keaton said kissing me. The rest of the day was okay until that night. "Boo I want you" Keaton said while we were watching tv in the room "oktay" I said "I love you boo" he said getting on top of me "I love you too" I said kissing him. After that we had a fun night.


Sorry I haven't updated my dad has been down and I saw a movie (warm bodies) 2 times so Yepio, vote and comment plz.

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