I Found Him

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When I woke up Keaton's arms were still wrapped around my waist "come on Keats get up" I said to him and kissing him on the cheek "NO lets go back to sleep"he said to me "come on we can do something today" I said to him "no I'm tied" he said to me "I'm gonna get zuni if you don't get up" I said to him "what is a little kitten gonna do to me"he said to me "I don't know" I said in a giggley voice "come on let's sleep for 5 more mins"he said to me "fine"I said to him. We slept for another hour "come on get up Keats it's 10:00"I said to Keaton "ok can we go to the beach"Keaton said "sure let me feed Zuni and get my bathing suit on"I said to Keaton "I'll feed zuni you just go get dressed" Keaton said to me "okay"I said. I got dressed and Keaton feed zuni we went outside to the beach when everyone is the house sleeping.

At the beach

We were holding hands and walking down the beach and talking about funny stuff I was laughing a lot. "Come on boo lets go get something to eat" Keaton said "okay Keats like what"I said "I don't know how about a cup of fries that we can share" Keaton said "okay" I said. After we ate the fries we went back to the beach we were hand-in-hand "I love you boo"Keaton said "I love you too Keats" I said to him then Keaton picked me up and threw me over his shoulder while he was running into the water "Keats put me down" I yelled to Keaton while he was running he threw me in the water I was all wet and I smelt like the water Keaton was laughing the whole time. "Keaton I gonna get you"I yelled to Keaton while he was running away he fell so I jumped on Keaton's back and I kissed on the cheek and he give me a piggyback ride all the way back home.

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