I Found Him-18

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Cp 18

I woke up and got dressed while Keaton slept then I was done getting dressed I tried waking up Keaton "Keats get up" I said kissing him on the cheek "do I have to" he said "yes you have to get dressed" I said "don't you have to too" he asked "nope" I said "why" he asked "because I already did" I said "okay I'm getting dressed now" he said"okay I'm going downstairs" I said. When I was downstairs no one was there so I sat on the couch and watched tv until Keaton came down "boo what are you doing" he asked "oh nothing just come sit with me" I said patting the seat next to me. He sat down next to me and I clawed into his lap and cuddled up with him. "I love you so much boo and I want to marry you right now right here but I don't have the ring" he said "I love you too and I want to marry you too" I said and I kissed him he started to kiss me more "I had fun last night" he said "sure you did" I said in a giggley voice. "Where are the others" I said "I don't know" he said still kissing me "well I like it alone but I like it when your with me more" I said "me too because I get to have fun with you" he said "but I don't wont to have fun now" I said "okay let's make something to eat" he said getting off of me "okay" I said. "So what are we making" I asked "pizzzzzzzzza" he said "yummmmmmmy" I said hugging him "I love you boo" he said "I love you too" I said. We made the pizza and it was yummy. "That was good but not as good as you" he said "oh okay stop" I said "I'm full" Keaton yell holding his tummy and I just sat there laughing "I'm full too" I yelled in a giggley voice and we sat there laughing at each other "I love you" I said kissing him "I love you too boo" he said kissing me back. Then he picked me up and walked into the living room to watch tv "what to watch what to watch" Keaton said and I laughing "I'll pick" I said "no your not" he said "fine have it your way" I said in a giggley voice "okay found one" he said "what is it" I asked "brother bear 2" he said "okay" I said in a giggley voice "I love when you giggle or laugh" he said "and I love when you kiss me" I said and then he kissed. "What time is it" I asked "mmmmm 12:56 pm" he said "okay let's go do something" I said "what do you want to do" he asked "I don't know" I said in giggley voice "mmmm surfing" he said "oktay let's go" I yelled going upstairs. "No I get the bedroom to change in" I said "no you don't" he said in a giggley voice "I get the room" I said running down the hall in a giggley voice "fine you get the room cause your my boo" he said kissing my forehead. Then I got out Keaton was already to go "are you ready boo" he asked me "no I have to put my hair up in a bun" I said but I really put it in a messy bun "now are you really" he said walking down the steps "yes" I said walking with him and grabbing his hand and we laughed and walked outside grabbing the boards.

At the beach surfing

I jumped in the water without waiting for Keaton "wait for me boo" he yelled from the beach "why" I yelled "because I don't wont my boo getting hurt" he said coming up next to me "aww that is so cute" I said kissing his cheek and he blushed. "Just like my boo" he said "aww your too cute" I said "hay there your wave" Keaton said "are you sure" I asked "yes now go hurry" he said as he was about to duck dive under the wave so I started to stand up but I fell "oh my god boo are you okay" he asked "yes I am that wave was just a crapy one" I said in a giggley voice and getting back up on the board and we had a lots of other good waves. I layed down on the board for a while just thinking about stuff "what are you doing boo" Keaton asked laying down on his tummy on the board "oh just thinking about stuff" I said as I looked at him "about what" he asked "about the future" I said and Keaton started to smile "boo" Keaton said holding my hand "yes" I asked "do you want to good back home" he asked "why" I asked "I don't know" he said "okay let's go" I said paddling back to the beach with Keaton behind me.

Back at the house

"I gonna go in the shower" I told Keaton "oktay boo" he said and I got in the shower the water was cold so I got a quick shower. "I'm so cold" I said coming down the stairs "why" he asked "because the shower was cold" I said "aww boo come here ill keep you warm" Keaton said and I ran over to him and cuddle up with him. "God I love love you boo" Keaton said "I love you too and are you going to get in the shower" I asked and said to Keaton "no not yet" Keaton said "okay let's do something again" I said "okay like what" he asked "mmmmm let's go to mmmm the pet store" I said "why" he asked "I don't know but we can bring zuni bononi" I said in a giggley voice "okay so what are we going to carry zuni bononi in" he asked in a giggley voice"I don't know I guess in a carrier" I said "well zuni does need to get groomed" he said "okay so get in the shower so we can go" I said in a giggley voice "okay love ya boo" he said "love ya too" I said kissing him on the cheek and he got in the shower and got dressed and then we were off.

At the pet store

We walked in the store hand-in-hand with zuni in a carrier on Keaton's arm. "Why hello can I help you two" a lady asked "mmm yes our cat zuni needs to be groomed" I said and Keaton just looked at me with a smile on his face "okay well I'll take zuni and get him groomed and is there anything I can do like a hair cut or something like that?" She asked "no that's not why we're here now are we and I just asked you" I said in a giggley voice Keaton started laughing "yes he'll need a hair cut and can you clip his nails" Keaton asked in a giggley "why yes I can" she said and looked at me with hate in her eyes I just laughed and Keaton handed zuni to the lady. "That was funny boo" he said "I know it was meant to be" I said "I love you boo" he said kissing my cheek "I love you too" I could feel my cheeks get red hot when he kissed my cheek "we need to get zuni some food" Keaton said "sure" I said we got meow mix "why did you get meow mix" I asked in a giggley voice "I don't know but now we can say meow meow meow meowww mix" he said in a giggley voice and I laughed. The lady came back with zuni in her arms everything was shaved but not his feet,head and a little bit of his tail "all hell nu" I said and she heard me "what I through he needed a haircut" she asked "yes he did but not like that smart ass" I said "zuni we're gonna have a cat fight here" Keaton said "oh shut up boy that has a bitch has a girlfriend" the lady said "you don't have the right to call someone a bitch and my girlfriend is not a fucking bitch she's my boo and I love her to death" Keaton said in full anger "awww your so cute keats" I said and kissed him on the cheek and we walked out of the store and the lady stayed there in shock.

Back at the house

"God that lady was rude" I said has we walked in the house "but she wasn't right" Keaton said "what do you mean" I asked Keaton "well she called you a bitch and you are not a bitch your a beautiful and cute girl and don't listen to anyone that says that about you boo" he said "aww Keats that's so cute that's why I love you" I said as I kissed him "what time is it" he asked "mmmmm 10:43" I said "we should get to bed" he said "piggyback" I said with a puppy dog look on face "okay" he said with a smile. When we got in the room we both got changed into our pjs and hopped in bed.



Sorry there is cussing on it I just needed it.

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