I Found Him

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I Found Him

Cp 12

When we woke up we decided to go down to the beach. When we got there, a contest was going on. It was a wet t-shirt contest. I saw someone familiar and said " Hey that's my friend Rachel up there! She is so awesome!!!!" I said to Keaton while I kissed him on the cheek. Drew was with us while wes and Savanah were back at the the house. In the end Rachel got 3rd place. She joined us when we went swimming in the ocean. Drew was looking at her the whole time. Keaton and I invited her to our house for the next few days. When we got to the house the only room that wasn't full was Drew's. When we all sat down to eat dinner Drew choose the seat next to Rachel I joked with him and said "I think you have a little crush on my friend." I made sure I said it loud so I would embarrass him." Rachel I know that you don't know me very well, but would you like to go out with me" he asked Rachel "sure" Rachel said. Then zuni came down he walked over too me and Keaton "hey zuni" Savanah said zuni just look at her I giggled. "Awww zuni is so cute" Rachel said "yep he's Keaton's cutie" I said and kissed Keaton's the cheek "no he's our cutie" Keaton said and kissed me. So after we ate we all sat down on the couch "lets have a movie night"wes said "okay what movie" Rachel asked petting zuni "mmm how about grown ups" I yell "OMG I love that movie" Savanah I said "IKR I love it too" I said "I never seen that movie"Rachel said "WHAT" we all yelled at Rachel "sorry but I don't watch movies that much" Rachel said "okay now we HAVE to watch it"drew said put his arm around Rachel's waist. So wes put in the movie he was cuddled up with Savanah and kissed his they made out a little bit I was cuddled up with Keats drew was kinda cuddling with Rachel. I was the first one to laugh "boo I love you" Keaton said to me said so I could only hear him "and I love you more Keats"I said kissing him.

When the movie was over

"So did you like the movie Rachel"I asked her "no not really"she said "what how can you not like that movie now I don't know if we can be friends" I said "I LOVED IT" she yelled "good we still can be friends"I said "well I'm going to bed"Keaton said and taking my hand "well are you guys going to stay out here and watch another movie" I asked "yep"they all said "well we're going to bed"I said. When we got in the room I went to the bathroom to change into my pjs "hurry up boo I'm getting cold" Keaton said I laughed and walked out he was a shirtless Keaton. "Well that's why your cold but ill try to warm you up"I said and cuddled up next to Keaton "I'm warm now" he said kissing me. We start to makeout he started to take my shirt off "Keaton stop I don't want to have sex" I said to him "but I love you and I don't want to hurt you so ill stop" he said as he stopped kissing me "well I don't say stop kissing me" I said pulling him on top of me. We finally went to sleep we just made out for about 10 mins and talked after.

The next day

We woke up hand-in-hand "boo wake up" he said kissing me I kissed him back. "God your the best kisser I ever kissed and that's not a lot" he said "well I'm glad" I said in a giggley voice. "Come on we have to out to get out of the bed" Keaton said "NOOOOO" I said "come on why" he asked "cause I'm the only one that can look at you" I say while hugging him "what about eatting" Keaton said "I'll go out and get food"I said in a giggley voice. "Come on I want to surf today and drew's going out with Rachel" he said "will it just be us"I asked "yep so go get your butt in your bathing suit" he said I laughed and give him a kiss.

At the beach

"Boo I love you" he said and handed me a board "I love you too" I said "do you think Rachel and drew will hit it off" Keaton asked while jumping in the water as I did the same "ya why" i said at we sat on the boards in the water and holding hands "I don't know" he said "okay that's fine"I said to him. "Hey that's my wave" I yelled "bring it on"Keaton said we were both fighting to get the wave I won "whaoooooo best wave ever" I yelled because it was a tube wave the best waves ever "goooo that's my booooo" Keaton yell I laughed and when the wave was over I jumped in the water and swam back over to Keaton and kissed him on the cheek.

Later that day

We went back home I got in the shower then Keaton did. Rachel,drew,wes,Savanah were asleep on the couch I laughed and went in the kitchen with Keaton. "What time is it" Keaton asked "mmmm....... 12:06" I said "wow they most of watch like 10 movies" he said "no I don't think so" I said "okay boo I'm hungry can you make me something" Keaton asked "Keats can you make me something plz" I said "sure what do you want"he asked "pancakes yumm ill help you"I said "okay"he said. We ate are pancakes we made enough pancakes so the others could eat. "KEATON" someone yelled "WHAT WES" Keaton yell back while wes walked into the kitchen "ohh can I have some pancakes "sure wes" I said laughing.

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