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Red liquid falling from the ground, metallic smell arising as soon as the live ended.

The boxer was nowhere to be seen, and both the smiles of the two boys reached ear to ear.

Hobin clutched something delicately, hiding from a clean napkin to prevent the cloth from sucking the blood.

Each had something to say, and as Snapper and Hobin stared at each other, they both opened their mouths, looking up with enthusiastic spirits.

"We finally got M/n's necklace!"

The necklace owner was nowhere to be seen, but Hobin couldn't wait to see M/n's reaction once he comes back victorious, and a precious item in his hand.

Sadly, the gleeful cry of the boys didn't reach the boy they grew fond off in the past few days.

The boy was sleeping soundly, something that he didn't get for a few days, so he was very thankful that he slept for many hours

Seoungjun and 244 stayed close to M/n's side, quite something Seongjun didn't like, but M/n was his first priority.

"Do you think viral hit got M/n's necklace?" 244 swirled the whiskey in his glass, staring at Seongjun with a waiting look.

"He did." Seongjun closed his eyes, "If he didn't, then I could have done it myself."

"Then why didn't you?" 244 shook his head, displaying a playful smile, "Aishh, if you did, then M/n wouldn't be sad, tsk tsk tsk."

"I thought Hobin did it in advance. Turns out, someone was trying to find M/n's necklace before."

Broad daylight was soon rising up, the sun rays trying to enter the closed windows. Seongjun came into the living room to find M/n still asleep in the couch.

Seongjun was smiling warmly inside, he was happy to see M/n with no discomfort or sadness.

Placing his right hand on the head of the couch, he softly patted M/n's head, whispering his name to wake him up.

He was gentle with the way he woke up M/n, even when he was already awake, he still kept patting M/n's head.

M/n didn't mind it though, he liked the way people pat his head. It was a nice feeling.

When he arrived to school, his first view was the sight of the three familiar teenagers eagerly looking for someone on the school entrance.

Hobin was the most eager one out of all, he was looking side to side with a hopeful look in his eyes. He was close to sitting beside the two in the stairs before he saw M/n.

"M/n! You're here, look!" Quickly walking down the stairs, he walked forward to the confused boy.

"Goodmorning, Hobin!" A smile went up on M/n's face, "What is it?"

Now that M/n asked, that's when he had gotten a little anxious.

Shit! I didn't ruin the necklace right?? What if it got blood on it?! Is M/n gonna be sad? Im scared! What do I do-

"Oh, Hobin got your necklace!" Hearing Gaeul's voice in his right, he got back from his thoughts to look at M/n.

At first, M/n was at shock, blinking slowly as he stared at the three. Which then lead to Hobin showing the necklace with a gulp.

"I-I'm sorry that I couldn't return it sooner," Hobin chuckled, "The opponent was strong-"

Hobin stopped his sentence once he felt the warm hands of M/n wrapped around him, his face was buried deep into Hobin's chest.

"Thank you! I'm so happy that you have it!" Looking up with comical tears, he sniffled, "I-... You-.. Ah! You're the best!"

Blurting many compliments and thanks, Hobin was blushing hard. He wasn't good with hearing such things, and it was even hard to breath knowing M/n was saying those 'such things'.

While the group happily adored the state M/n was in, 244 and Seongjun continued to talk.

"So. About that someone. Do you know who they are?" Seongjun shook his head, closing his eyes when he sat comfortably in his seat.

"But they're probably meeting Wangguk right now."

Seongjun was right. Taehoon was meeting Wangguk.

After finally knowing his location, Taehoon was now ready to confront the cameraman.

Wangguk was simply doing his own business, before he felt a familiar intimidating aura coming from behind.

"You're the asshole cameraman, right?" Wangguk turned his head, staring at Taehoon who held a smirk on his face.

"What about it?"

"Don't act like you don't know shit."

Wangguk tried to remember what Taehoon's problem was, he didn't know at all though, but after hearing what Hobin said, he was starting to think he was there for the necklace.

Once Taehoon blocked Wangguk's view with the soles of his shoes, Taehoon stared at him with a deadly gaze.

"The necklace, asshole."

Wangguk remembered that he took the necklace from Gyeul before, seeing as it was a bad thing that she had done to the boy he only met for a few minutes.

"I gave it to someone. You know him." Staying calm, he watched Taehoon raise his eyebrow at him.


"Viral hit. I gave the necklace to him." Taehoon place his foot on the floor, his hand in his pockets, clearly having suspicions.

"For all I know, he probably already gave it to the boy."

Taehoon believed him, but he didn't show it. Since it was already solved, there was one last thing he had to do.

"Don't think I didn't see you close to punching him, Cause i'm going to kill you."

With his aura emitting serious intimidation, Wangguk felt a little frightened, but he didn't show it.

The boy must've been really important to him.

He wasn't wrong about that. M/n really is special to Taehoon. Probably more than Wangguk thinks.

Taehoon was walking away with a casual and laid-back attitude, walking past all the opened stores in the streets.

But there was one thing he saw in a conveniance store that peaked his interest, something a little too out of character for him to buy.


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