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as i stumbled my way to the dance floor all i could see were boys and girls making out and people swaying their hips to the beats of I DONT WANNA LIVE FOREVER by ZAYN and TAYLOR SWIFT. 

i joined the people and started dancing , i noticed all the drivers were staring at me but i was too drunk to care.

i was dancing like a crazy person.


i was talking to max about something when i saw Saara on the dance floor. she was all careless and in her own world.

her hands were up and she was dancing like anything. 

the sight of her like that had me drunk without drinking. 

out of the 4-5 years i have known her , this is the first time i have seen her in a dress. she is looking sexier than ever. no lando what the hell ? you hate her !

suddenly she was looking at me while dancing....i could see she was drunk in her eyes. she had a seductive smile on her face.

i was still staring at her when Charles joined her. he was behind her. he had his hands on her waist and then he whispered something in her ear that had her blushing. fxck , i wish i did not see that , i wanted to throw up at the sight of them dancing together.

charles's hands were now on her hips and with her hands in his as well. charles started kissing her neck now. and her head was on his shoulder. I wonder what that would feel like with Saara.

her back was pushed against his front while they were moving together.

I cant see this anymore. 

why am I feeling like that ? stop thinking lando , you hate her 

 i need to get drunk.

i reached the bar and took some shots.

i dont remember how many.....whatever it was but i had more than 4 shots for sure.

as I looked around i saw pierre , max , george and daniel had found themselves different girls to dance with and they were enjoying it.

charles now had a different girl in his arms....and honestly i could not care less.

where was saara then? she was nowhere to be seen.

i started looking for her and i dont even know why

i exited the club and saw her sitting outside. what is she doing ? looks like she is thing about something.

i approached her and saw that her face was extremely pale. she looked like she was sick. did something happen ?

"what are you doing here?" i was pulled out of my thoughts by her voice. she even sounded sick.

"what are you doing here?" i tried not to be rude 

"i needed some air" oh

"come on let's get you back to the hotel" i said out of the blue 

"i am not going with you" 

"yes you are" i said. i grabbed her arm and helped her up...she had her hand on my shoulder for support. i texted the hotel service drivers to come. she did not say a word. what has gotten into her ? 

the car arrived in some time. i was too drunk to make sense of anything....i just pushed her in the backseat and i sat down beside her.

some 5 minutes later her i felt her head fall on my shoulder.....she fell asleep 

why am i doing this for her ? oh its probably just because she could have got eaten by a bear if she was alone. or maybe it was because she is my team mate and the blame of leaving her in this situation can go to me. or maybe its something else.

we were now at the hotel. i picked her up by her waist. my one hand was somewhere under her knees and one was somewhere on her back.

i carried her all the way to the her hotel room. wait . i dont have her key ! what now ?

i have to take her to my room now. i reached my room with her in my arms and unlocked the door.

i put her on my bed. she looked so peaceful. 

i was about to go to the couch to sleep when i felt her soft hands grab mine. why does this feel so good ?

its nothing lando , you still hate her 

"sometimes i wish you were my friend" she said with a low voice while i just stared. she wished i was her friend ?

"sometimes i wish you were my friend too" i said. was it right to say this ? did i want her to be my friend ? i dont know 

"stay with me ?" she said . 

"you are drunk saara." i said 

"its okay , come on" her voice is so soothing 

"are you sure?" i asked hoping she would say yes. i was hoping for what ? i am so drunk.

"i am" 


i shifted and laid down on the other side of the bed. stay with me . stay with me. stay with me. her words repeated in my head. 

she turned around, her back was facing me.

i dont know what got into me , i started carressing her arm. she felt so soft and warm.

suddenly she cuddled closer to me. i locked my hand with her.

what is happening ? 

i tried to calm myself down. i still hate her. i still hate her. this does not change anything. we are both just drunk. this means nothing. stay with me. her words are still ringing in my ears. 

i closed my eyes.








is it just me or this is so cute ? 

i am open to suggestions <3

comment <3

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